
The Cool Films Thread

Big Tabs

looking backwards, going forwards
I found Peter Jackson's films very early on and followed his career since the genius of Bad Taste (1987) were he plays Derek and Robert. The classic line 'Derek's don't run...' still echoes in our household. (Along with 'Save me the head Reg, I wanna suck his brains out' and 'the old magics still there...')

Also worth a look is 'Meet The Feeble's' (1989) - a disturbing story, imagine the Muppets then add sex/violence/copious amounts of drugs. The wife cannot sit through it.

The highlight of his early career though is Braindead (1992) which has a lot more 'story' to it but still manages to be wonderfully gross. This film manages to crowbar a love story into an abattoir. It contains the 'Rat Monkey' which has a cameo role in King Kong. (if you look hard enough)

If Peter Jackson only means Lord Of The Rings to you then you may be surprised by his early work. He wrote and directed it all too!

'The Frighteners' (1996) with Michael J. Fox is miles away from his early stuff but has a recognisable Jackson touch and is well worth it.

'kin hilarious.
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So, recommend some films via Netflix..
I have seen these films recently, some are re-watched as I saw some of these well pre-Netflix by some years... some I re-watched because they are in HD e.g. Zulu which was ace in HD.

Here we go, say if you have seen them/liked them, because it displays your movie taste and therefore it is easier to give advice.

in no order:
Barton Fink

Punch-Drunk Love - A decent Adam Sandler film, who would have thought it! This is a film that husband & wife can watch happily together


The Quick and the Dead - Gene Hackman plus many stars in an odd western given the Sam Raimi treatment, well worth a viewing

1959 version of Journey To The Centre Of The Earth with James Mason

Battle Royale (Japanese and essential viewing)
Cop Land
Planet Terror
The Ipcress File
Kill Bill
Jackie Brown
Death Race 2000 1975 version Cool!

Or look at the Japanese anime section - Metropolis (2001 Taro Rin) is an exceptional film and has a great jazz soundtrack. Akira is not on Netflix, but you should own Akira on blu-ray if you have any taste.

Lastly find Afro Samurai (anime Samuel L. Jackson) which is episodic or in film version, difficult to get a cooler modern cartoon!

Last edited by Big Tabs; 09-08-13 at 03:15 PM. Reason: brain
The four coolest films are:

'Malcolm' - obscure, Australian, and utterly brilliant. Stars Colin Friels and directed by Nadia Tass
'Mr Reliable' (also known as 'My Entire Life'). Same star and director as 'Malcolm', based on a true story. Even more obscure, and every bit as brilliant and Australian as 'Malcolm' too.
'Restless Natives' - Scottish, low budget from 1986. Big Country did the soundtrack. So a great film and great music.
'Mystery Men' - very silly. But it does Claire Forlani in it, which justifies it on its own.
Layer Cake

A Zed and Two Noughts

Death in a French Garden


Catch 22

44 Inch Chest
If you have not seen it 'Battle Royale' is a real eye-opener to the Japanese style of classic. Not for the faint-hearted, it sure sticks in the mind. Battle Royale II is not worth bothering with though.
A Zed and Two Noughts

44 Inch Chest

I like these although The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover is a better Peter Greenaway film, sure is easier to follow! I saw this at the cinema, and it is a visual 5 course meal. yum yum.
(and Cook/Thief etc. has a better soundtrack/Michael Nyman did a good job)

44 Inch Chest from memory has a beautifully foul-mouthed Ben Kingsley? He definitely has in Sexy Beast which has a similiar feel to it. Sexy Beast deffo has Ben Kingsley displaying he was not typecast in Ghandi... An excellent 'Baddie.'
The four coolest films are:

'Malcolm' - obscure, Australian, and utterly brilliant. Stars Colin Friels and directed by Nadia Tass
'Mr Reliable' (also known as 'My Entire Life'). Same star and director as 'Malcolm', based on a true story. Even more obscure, and every bit as brilliant and Australian as 'Malcolm' too.
'Restless Natives' - Scottish, low budget from 1986. Big Country did the soundtrack. So a great film and great music.
'Mystery Men' - very silly. But it does Claire Forlani in it, which justifies it on its own.

thanks soo much, I was trying to recall this film title, it is a great film.
before anyone else jumps in with this... ice cold cool.


never mind the ace car chase, the soundtrack is excellent too.

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I have been impressed by Japanese films from another age, I think they stand the test of time.

All works by Akira Kurosawa

1954 Seven Samurai
1980 Kagemusha
1985 Ran

i wouldn't classify those as "cool" films. the OP has dodgy taste.

The Fifth Element
Vanilla Sky
The Dark Knight
Lost In Translation
The Conversation
Picnic At Hanging Rock

and others when i remember

