
The CD revival thread

I enjoy playing music in all formats. I recognise that there are differences in presentation but I don’t let this get in the way of my enjoyment of the music. I try not to get into the ‘which one is better?’ debate. Hence, I listen to my tuner more than any other piece of equipment. Whether it’s vinyl, cassette, streaming or tuner, I just enjoy it.
I enjoy playing music in all formats. I recognise that there are differences in presentation but I don’t let this get in the way of my enjoyment of the music. I try not to get into the ‘which one is better?’ debate. Hence, I listen to my tuner more than any other piece of equipment. Whether it’s vinyl, cassette, streaming or tuner, I just enjoy it.

And that epitomizes Del a system which has synergy.You get your sources in a nice place - Yes there's better out there of cause there is, but if you get so much enjoyment with what ever your listening on Vinyl - CD - Radio
That's the sweet spot as you could upgrade but buying more CD's - Records and in your case tapes is the priority now and you just enjoy the music.And lets face it that's what our end point should be.
The gear is just a conduit to taking us to the albums etc.
Thinking about upgrades you sometimes have to think what am I unhappy about ? what do I want more of.Then its the laws of small marginal gains against big financial outlay.
A friend asked how many CD's can it store ?
He's got a pretty large collection, 500-600 or so.
You'd get at least 2,500 cd's on a 1TB model (they also come in 2TB & 4TB versions).
The operating system on a 1TB model takes about 150GB leaving 850GB for your music - ripped or downloads.
And that epitomizes Del a system which has synergy.You get your sources in a nice place - Yes there's better out there of cause there is, but if you get so much enjoyment with what ever your listening on Vinyl - CD - Radio
That's the sweet spot as you could upgrade but buying more CD's - Records and in your case tapes is the priority now and you just enjoy the music.And lets face it that's what our end point should be.
The gear is just a conduit to taking us to the albums etc.
Thinking about upgrades you sometimes have to think what am I unhappy about ? what do I want more of.Then its the laws of small marginal gains against big financial outlay.
Yep. It seems that with every perceived upgrade there is a compromise. I might hear that extra bit of gleam on a trombone but is the bass as good? It just adds to the neuroses. I’ve spent the last couple of years deliberately moving away from this in a forced re-think. I’d rather think about the next piece of music than the next piece of hifi. I’ve got my kit and my music together now. It performs well across the range and through each format. It doesn’t distract from the music. It is a sweet spot in all areas now.
I have to admit I do like the physical media of CD and l like to not use the remote rather put a disc on and play right through as you would have done with a turntable for example.
I am not against streaming, but for me I find I jump from track to track or search for one song. Also the other half is very much the chop n change type very few albums she will listen to as a whole.
So taking aside sound quality or availability of the media for me this is why I still have CD
I use them all. Plenty of cheap CDs and cassettes around still. With streaming, I don’t jump about a lot nor do I just look for one track. It’s nice to have a range of performances at your fingertips.
You'd get at least 2,500 cd's on a 1TB model (they also come in 2TB & 4TB versions).
The operating system on a 1TB model takes about 150GB leaving 850GB for your music - ripped or downloads.

Good to know thanks
I have the 2TB version, only £100 more. Over a 1000 CDs in & I’ve used circa 30%.

May I ask how much are these players and are they reliable and supported ?
Which one should my friend be looking for,? guess a budget below €750-1000
The operating system on a 1TB model takes about 150GB

Wait, what? That is absolute madness. What could possibly be taking up that much space? The only thing I can imagine is a massive database...but of what?! No way cover art needs 150Gb. I'm flummoxed.
Wait, what? That is absolute madness. What could possibly be taking up that much space? The only thing I can imagine is a massive database...but of what?! No way cover art needs 150Gb. I'm flummoxed.
I probably didn't word that very well - I've never had an external drive that offers more than about 930 GB free space on a 1TB disk so that accounts for around half of it already.
I probably didn't word that very well - I've never had an external drive that offers more than about 930 GB free space on a 1TB disk so that accounts for around half of it already.

Ah I see what you mean. Yeah, vagaries of file systems contribute to that.
May I ask how much are these players and are they reliable and supported ?
Which one should my friend be looking for,? guess a budget below €750-1000
They are around £1100 & yes, reliable & supportable. They also stream Spotify, Tidal etc & connect to various internet radio stations like Radio Paradise.
My Innuos server sounds better than any CD player I’ve heard. Bit of a game changer for me.

I do still have a CD player, doesn’t get used much.

May I ask what CD player you have? And which Innuos?

I bought an Innuos zen mini mk3 which lasted a very short time in my system as I found CD replay far superior in every way.

In fact, I've struggled to find any streamer that matches CD replay in my set up.

