
The 2017 F1 Thread

Did i just watch a race in which there were no overtakes?

At least shown on TV -or did not involve blue flags or faulty cars

I don't think i fell asleep

Boring race but congrats to Bottas. Shame he's as dull as dish water but he's proved me wrong as I expected him to a long way off Hamilton. Mercedes might have a problem deciding who's going to be team leader at this rate.
Give me a dull winner rather than some wannabe gangsta rappa. Way too early for Merc to think about choosing a lead driver. I liked the way he did a "Raikonnen" on team radio...
Give me a dull winner rather than some wannabe gangsta rappa. Way too early for Merc to think about choosing a lead driver. I liked the way he did a "Raikonnen" on team radio...

So as stated before, more a case of "anyone but Hamilton". The hate is strong with this one.
Fair play to Bottas, he had a strong weekend and got things nailed when he had to, e.g., the start.

Good to see Ferrari getting stronger and hopefully there will be some more interesting races to come this season.
Fair play to Bottas, he had a strong weekend and got things nailed when he had to, e.g., the start.

Good to see Ferrari getting stronger and hopefully there will be some more interesting races to come this season.

Yes indeed, I really like Bottas, I liked him at Williams and am happy for his first win and I am sure there will be many more.
So as stated before, more a case of "anyone but Hamilton". The hate is strong with this one.

It's just that some of us don't understand why Hamilton is rated so highly.

When he was at McLaren with Button they were equally matched.

When he was at Mercedes with Rosberg they were equal.

And now it seems that Bottas is his equal as well.
It's such a shame that McLaren's woes seem to be getting worse, rather than better. It does rather show that any new engine maker tempted to enter F1 may as well forget it the notion, since the costs in terms of money and reputation are simply too high. If Honda, with their history of engineering excellence, cannot make a competitive engine package within the current rules, then who can? The shame of this is that Ron Dennis was correct in stating that nobody will win the F1 title with a customer engine from one of the existing players - the Honda gamble was worth a pop, but was clearly premature.

That aside, good for Bottas, who strikes me as a thoroughly decent and sporting chap. Also, it's nice to see Ferrari back in contention, since F1 needs them and the 'sport' would simply not exist without them.

If you have a read through this thread you'll see posts by a couple of people who firstly know what they're on about when it comes to all things F1, and secondly predicted that Honda would struggle due to their own processes and culture.

If you have a read through this thread you'll see posts by a couple of people who firstly know what they're on about when it comes to all things F1, and secondly predicted that Honda would struggle due to their own processes and culture.

Indeed, but the optimist in me hoped for better!

