
Technics SU-X880


pfm Member
Not exactly a classic but I was just given one today. The link below is about the best I can find out about it. I’ve tried it out and everything seems to work ok. Not sure what class AA means. I know what a class A amplifier is but surely this isn’t class A? It’s quite heavy for its size. The speakers terminals are nasty twist ones. Not sure what I’ll do with it yet. I may open it up and change the speaker terminals the banana plug posts

My understanding is that class AA was Technics take on the Quad current dumping topology. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.

Had a lot of classic Japanese amps pass through my hands over the years but never one of the higher end Technics units, always like the look of them.

The older SA-400 receiver I had sounded lovely & is still going strong in a friend's system.

I love some of the old 80s Technics kit. I'm lucky enough to have an SU-V90D amp along with an SL-P770 CD player. Both working perfectly. The amp is a monster and has a built in DAC which must have been something of a rarity at the time. Still sounds great too.


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