
Installed and thrumming away quite nicely. A pair of REL Carbon Specials, with crossover set barely above the minimum setting, so c. 25 Hz with not a lot of gain but adding air, presence and bass (of course). A very real sound.

The room’s a bit bare ’cos we have emptied out the bookshelves as we are doing a bit of work.

It's been a work of the last 15 years slowly piecing it together, eyeing the used forums for the right opportunity and, when necessary, biting the bullet and buying new. I have to admit that in its current incarnation, it's absolutely, stunningly wonderful. Open house invite to anyone that makes it up to Aberdeenshire anytime.
Installed and thrumming away quite nicely. A pair of REL Carbon Specials, with crossover set barely above the minimum setting, so c. 25 Hz with not a lot of gain but adding air, presence and bass (of course). A very real sound.

The room’s a bit bare ’cos we have emptied out the bookshelves as we are doing a bit of work.

This is one of those systems I would love to hear, even to the point of thinking whether there are other good reasons to visit the ganite city (I hear it is wonderful).

I have always been curious about subs and what they bring to the mix; not that I think you should be able to hear them, as that's not what they are about, but at the same time, how you discern their impact has always been a little opaque to me, but that is ONLY because I've never had the chance to listen ABA for myself. I do not doubt their value, I've just never been able to experience it for myself.

The MBL's are the real fascination for me though. I would love to read your thoughts on how you experience them viz a vis a more conventional baffle/driver arrangement; do they approximaste more like a pannel speaker for instance?
I'll be visiting Colin on Thursday for a listen, looking forward to it. Am familiar with Colins system so it'll be really interesting to hear how the subs integrate/imporove things - it's not exactly lacking as a system as is :)
Make sure you report on you findings Angus. 👍
I visited Colin a few years ago. The power amps were the MBLs shown in recent picture I believe. Every else I believe is more recent.
The one thing that stood out then was the absolute massive music catalogue that he has accumulated.
This is one of those systems I would love to hear, even to the point of thinking whether there are other good reasons to visit the ganite city (I hear it is wonderful).

I have always been curious about subs and what they bring to the mix; not that I think you should be able to hear them, as that's not what they are about, but at the same time, how you discern their impact has always been a little opaque to me, but that is ONLY because I've never had the chance to listen ABA for myself. I do not doubt their value, I've just never been able to experience it for myself.

The MBL's are the real fascination for me though. I would love to read your thoughts on how you experience them viz a vis a more conventional baffle/driver arrangement; do they approximaste more like a pannel speaker for instance?


Someone's been lying to you about Aberdeen :). It's not a place I enjoy much. A few good restaurants and not much else. The main shopping drag, Union St, is derelict. Aberdeenshire however is a fantastic place to live. Picturesque, isolated, sparsely populated and peaceful, quiet roads, crime-free etc... a bit of a secret really.

MBL, and omni's generally, don't pin-point image as specifically as box speakers. Imaging isn't high on my list of priorities (ex-Naimie speaking) so that's no important. What they do is create a portrayal of real music, bringing the performance into the room. The MBL's create a huge realistic sound field and make the music more dynamic and real sounding. Check the Absolute Sound review of the 101's for a very accurate (IMO) view on their characteristics and how they perform. This was done when the Mk2 first came out and the model is still current. Unlike many brands, MBL don't spin off frequent variants for marketing and sales purposes.

The subs have enhanced that magic trick. The 101's on their own are good down into the high 20's, but the subs crossed over in the mid 20's have supercharged them but not just in the bass. Snare, cymbal, voice are also improved and the nuance, airiness and dynamics of the soundstage are much improved.

One valid of criticism of the 101's is that they sound best played loud (not a problem for me tbh). Played quietly the bass lacks punch versus the omni elements but catches up and have superb bass when played loudly. Adding the subs removes that small deficit.

I like panels and well remember a session with Maggie 3.6's many moons ago. Recollection can be unreliable but I think the MBL's are much more nuanced, play better loudly and have better bass even without the subs.
I visited Colin a few years ago. The power amps were the MBLs shown in recent picture I believe. Every else I believe is more recent.
The one thing that stood out then was the absolute massive music catalogue that he has accumulated.
Ooooh! You've got me now.... I think I was at your previous place close to St. Andrews was I not? Russell?
Wasn't your system EAR amps and Zu speakers and your were demming the Ki3's .
Yes, it's been all change since then. 6 or 7 years ago?
Bergmann Magne turntable, Ortofon Cadenza Red.
80s Linn LP12, Naim Aro, Ortofon 2M bronze.
Allnic H1202 riaa.
Musical Innovation MI23,5 pre amplifier.
Valvet E2 for the horns.
Simaudio Moon W5 for the bass system.
Active crossover is Fabfilter Pro.
Dac is Motu Ultralight mk5.
Cables are noname, various pro cables and 1,5mm2 pn installation cables for the speakers.

Done By Others speakers. Made by a friend of mine and build by a local cabinet maker using CNC . Veneer is ash. Front in spray pained in seven layers of Jotun 9938.
Radian 950 beryllium in Tad TH4001 clone horns.
2x18sound 12NB1000 12" and 2xJBL 2226H 15" in each speaker. Slot loaded open baffles.
Will install tweeters and back panels in aluminium later.

Room is 115m3/45m2. Pretty bad acoustics. But is it what is it.

Second system is olive Naim with Totem Arro.

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Bergmann Magne turntable, Ortofon Cadenza Red.
80s Linn LP12, Naim Aro, Ortofon 2M bronze.
Allnic H1202 riaa.
Musical Innovation MI23,5 pre amplifier.
Valvet E2 for the horns.
Simaudio Moon W5 for the bass system.
Active crossover is Fabfilter Pro.
Dac is Motu Ultralight mk5.
Cables are noname, various pro cables and 1,5mm2 pn installation cables for the speakers.

Done By Others speakers. Made by a friend of mine and build by a local cabinet maker using CNC . Veneer is ash. Front in spray pained in seven layers of Jotun 9938.
Radian 950 beryllium in Tad TH4001 clone horns.
2x18sound 12NB1000 12" and 2xJBL 2226H 15" in each speaker. Slot loaded open baffles.
Will install tweeters and back panels in aluminium later.

Room is 115m3/45m2. Pretty bad acoustics. But is it what is it.

Second system is olive Naim with Totem Arro.

What a pleasant room and what an interesting system.

So are you using Fabfilter Pro on the laptop to act as your crossover somehow?
What a pleasant room and what an interesting system.

So are you using Fabfilter Pro on the laptop to act as your crossover somehow?


I am lucky to have a friend that are really good in the field of audio. He works with programming. I have just spent money, he have done the hard work with the setup of the speaker system.

I asked him about the way he did it and this is his answer.

Fab Filter is set up as crossover and Performer Lite is host.
Used rew to messure and total of 200 measurements to get a sum that give a curve. Data from REW is so set up manually in fab filter.
It’s simple to use. Stable and cost effective solution. For this speaker we do not need delay set but if so a plugin could solve this as well.
Why use solutions that’s not even close to pro audio. The tools are made for music by professionals and not on a kitchen desk somewhere. And if a solution made for hifi should work , it’s usually overpriced anyway.
Ooooh! You've got me now.... I think I was at your previous place close to St. Andrews was I not? Russell?
Wasn't your system EAR amps and Zu speakers and your were demming the Ki3's .
Yes, it's been all change since then. 6 or 7 years ago?
Yes Colin you are totally correct. August 2016. Time flies. Regret leaving St.Andrews but nasty accident and a brush with Mr C has changed many things. Onwards and upwards though.

Someone's been lying to you about Aberdeen :). It's not a place I enjoy much. A few good restaurants and not much else. The main shopping drag, Union St, is derelict. Aberdeenshire however is a fantastic place to live. Picturesque, isolated, sparsely populated and peaceful, quiet roads, crime-free etc... a bit of a secret really.

MBL, and omni's generally, don't pin-point image as specifically as box speakers. Imaging isn't high on my list of priorities (ex-Naimie speaking) so that's no important. What they do is create a portrayal of real music, bringing the performance into the room. The MBL's create a huge realistic sound field and make the music more dynamic and real sounding. Check the Absolute Sound review of the 101's for a very accurate (IMO) view on their characteristics and how they perform. This was done when the Mk2 first came out and the model is still current. Unlike many brands, MBL don't spin off frequent variants for marketing and sales purposes.

The subs have enhanced that magic trick. The 101's on their own are good down into the high 20's, but the subs crossed over in the mid 20's have supercharged them but not just in the bass. Snare, cymbal, voice are also improved and the nuance, airiness and dynamics of the soundstage are much improved.

One valid of criticism of the 101's is that they sound best played loud (not a problem for me tbh). Played quietly the bass lacks punch versus the omni elements but catches up and have superb bass when played loudly. Adding the subs removes that small deficit.

I like panels and well remember a session with Maggie 3.6's many moons ago. Recollection can be unreliable but I think the MBL's are much more nuanced, play better loudly and have better bass even without the subs.
Maggies were my first exposure to high end audio. It was back in 1987, I was 15 and visiting friends of my parents who had a system built around them with Audio Research amps and a very cool turntable by a company called Oxford Acoustics.

