
Specs lens cleaner


pfm Member
Anyone have any decent recommendations?

I've tried most and nothing really works, dirty lenses drive me and my wife nuts.

I think it's the lens coating that causes the dirt to stick then smear when you try to clean them.

Probably the best of the lot that I've tried was the wipes from Aldi at about £1 but even they smeared the lenses.

I bought some gel stuff from a guy in the market at Keswick a few years ago (2 for £10) and it was okay but ended up not using it.

So any recommendations will be greatly received.


Breathe on the them (which deposits distilled water on the lenses) and wipe with any soft cotton cloth (shirt tails, bed sheet corner, etc.) Every now and then wash with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.
after the soapy water bit then thoroughly rinsse the lenses. Getting the soap off the lenses is the key bit. This is based on being short sighted for the first 60 or so years then regain normal vision 9 years ago by swapping out my faulty internal lenses for better focussed lenses.
after the soapy water bit then thoroughly rinsse the lenses. Getting the soap off the lenses is the key bit. This is based on being short sighted for the first 60 or so years then regain normal vision 9 years ago by swapping out my faulty internal lenses for better focussed lenses.

Aye I've worn glasses since I was twelve now 62, keeping them clean drives me mental, you used to be able to buy spec lenses without coatings and those were easy to clean but as far as I know you can't buy lenses these days without at least an anti-scratch coating.

Thanks guys.
Well I have a certain sympathy with the OP because I remember one of my students bounced up to me saying she was really happy because she’s discovered Boots specs wipes and it’s like the sun has come out in her life. She gave me one to try and it did seem very good. That was just before covid, so maybe two years ago, and though I could appreciate them I didn’t buy any. For me, breathing on them and wiping on a bit of clothing will do.
Depending on mood and supplies. I most often put a drop if detergent on then rinse off and dry with a clean tissue. Otherwise I use one of the cheapo lens wipes from 'Home and Bargain', which mostly work well. I've worn specs since I was five, so I claim age related expertise. I also have long eyelashes, which are part of the problem, now that fluttering them at the ladies seems to have stopped having any appreciable effect.
The cleanliness microfibre cloth is key.

Wash the cloths in normal laundry detergent but don't use rinse aid.

The wife swears by the Aldi wipes, but I use a spray. Either way a final polish with a clean microfibre cloth is essential in my view. It's obvious when the cloths need washing because it becomes difficult to avoid smears, i.e. the cloth is putting muck back on!

We tend to wash microfibre cloths with a liquid detergent and as @jimpey suggests no conditioner. Reduces the detergent residues on the cloth as the liquid dissolves better than powders.


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