

Interesting! I've thought about them for many years. I had them when I was a kid, of course, along with a tartan dressing gown. As an adult I always thought of them as somehow squalid, depressing. Have used a battered pair of loafers for many years, and more recently Crocs.
BUT, I think maybe a nice pair of slippers might be pleasant, perhaps those Venetian things in velvet. Do you, Gaius?
I do it all — slippers, comfortable pants, housecoat.

I like slippers but find it increasingly difficult to source good ones. These days they are mostly of dubious origin and thoroughly unhealthy for my sensitive artistic feet.
What about a pipe - and Quad also?

Always get 2 pairs at a time and a size too big. Fairly loose is what they should be. The toes get scuffed out fairly quickly and they’re generally not ideal for driving but in an automatic it’s ok.
Nope, slippers should only be worn by old men or when in hospital.
Yep some nice brown velvety finish M and S ones with a proper back.

They are looking a bit grandaddy but I wanted a comfy fit that dont fall off. I had their suede moccasins for years but dont like suede to clean.

Fashion has gone out the window and its a sign that Im getting really old :)
Yep, I wear slippers, but mainly to keep my feet warm and minimise the pain when I tread on things the kids have left on the floor.
I wear them in the winter (M&S leather ones) but wear flipflop sandal thingies in the summer.
No slippers here.

In the family photo album, there's a black and white picture of my younger brother aged about 9 with a shotgun in one hand and a dead rabbit in the other, looking mean and moody. The effect is somewhat spolied by the fact that his footwear is a pair of tartan slippers.
Funny how tartan is associated with childhood. Tartan slippers, dressing gowns, "kilts" for the girls, tartan palids for picnics. Even those tartan suitcases.
No slippers here.

In the family photo album, there's a black and white picture of my younger brother aged about 9 with a shotgun in one hand and a dead rabbit in the other, looking mean and moody. The effect is somewhat spolied by the fact that his footwear is a pair of tartan slippers.

You are describing a scene of Viv Stanshall style

