
Sensible genre subdivisions for a large LP collection?

Too many albums cross genres.
3000 odd here, just alphabetical.
Last name for artists, first word for groups.
First letter of number like T for 10cc , 10,000 Manics šŸ˜
Only one thatā€™s given me issues is Lady Gaga.
L or G ?
As itā€™s not her actual name .
Do it by spine colour, and create a rainbow effect!
I tried that once, when I only had about 75 CDs.

It lasted until the first time I couldnā€™t remember the spine colour of a CD I wanted to listen to.

Alphabetical by artist, itā€™s the only choice. Anything else is just inviting trouble.
Too many albums cross genres.
3000 odd here, just alphabetical.
Last name for artists, first word for groups.
First letter of number like T for 10cc , 10,000 Manics šŸ˜
Only one thatā€™s given me issues is Lady Gaga.
L or G ?
As itā€™s not her actual name .
Or Iggy Pop?
Just alphabetical for me In these very broad categories -

Rock pop
12ā€ singles

I donā€™t have classical or jazz

