

Mass roundups are due to begin - who thought it would be those newly arriving in boats?

"The Home Office will launch a major operation to detain asylum seekers across the UK on Monday, weeks earlier than expected, in preparation for their deportation to Rwanda, the Guardian can reveal.

Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigration service offices or bail appointments and will also pick people up nationwide in a surprise two-week exercise."

It almost seems pointless to comment on this utterly vile, morally corrupt legislation. How can we be legislating to make something factually untrue ("Rwanda is safe") into something that "is"?

I'd love to know just how many actual UK voters are supportive of this law? In a country of 48 million voters, how many people wanted this? Close to half a billion pounds spent so far on Suella Braverman's drive-by fart.
You don't need public support or consultation to pass laws, or change the PM for that matter. How ethical that is is being realised now.
Mass roundups are due to begin - who thought it would be those newly arriving in boats?

"The Home Office will launch a major operation to detain asylum seekers across the UK on Monday, weeks earlier than expected, in preparation for their deportation to Rwanda, the Guardian can reveal.

Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigration service offices or bail appointments and will also pick people up nationwide in a surprise two-week exercise."

Truly nasty tactics. Looks like it may be time for more of this kind of citizen intervention:

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Have the Tories created a new group to do that?
I’m guessing that they might want to use an independent group. They could be named something like State Security and then given brownshirts as part of their dress code
Fascism is never pretty. Sadly it is all the Tories have left to sell.

PS This kind of public reaction is exactly what is needed. It is the duty of us all to resist this far-right shit. No one voted for this deranged extremism and cruelty. They have maybe the worst/thickest 18 or 19% of the electorate still behind them, no one else, and should be physically removed from power if they won’t go democratically. Punching fascists is never wrong.
Bought it home today as an iranian refugee known to our friends received her call up papers for rwanda and everyone rather upset about it .
getting emails now from local protest groups who have sent me this link

Heard on the radio this morning that the whereabouts of a number of the people scheduled to be sent to Rwanda "are not currently known". However they were at pains to point out that the people had not "disappeared". No, of course not.
Heard on the radio this morning that the whereabouts of a number of the people scheduled to be sent to Rwanda "are not currently known". However they were at pains to point out that the people had not "disappeared". No, of course not.
The thing is, absconding while in the process of applying for asylum or refugee status is a criminal offence. Which is a big black mark against you in the asylum or refugee/immigration process. Thereby pretty much guaranteeing that once found and shipped to Rwanda, their application will fail. You can't tell me that a government announcement, ahead of the event, that known applicants would be rounded up prior to shipping out, wouldn't have caused a number of them to go to ground. So that's not an unintended consequence, it's part of the plan.
The thing is, absconding while in the process of applying for asylum or refugee status is a criminal offence. Which is a big black mark against you in the asylum or refugee/immigration process. Thereby pretty much guaranteeing that once found and shipped to Rwanda, their application will fail. You can't tell me that a government announcement, ahead of the event, that known applicants would be rounded up prior to shipping out, wouldn't have caused a number of them to go to ground. So that's not an unintended consequence, it's part of the plan.
Why wouldn't they just arm themselves at this point? They have virtually no access to legal redress anyway and that is what the rule of law requires otherwise you have the wild west...
Why wouldn't they just arm themselves at this point? They have virtually no access to legal redress anyway and that is what the rule of law requires otherwise you have the wild west..
Because you'd lose and get killed or imprisoned. Easier is just to disappear into the black economy, delivering leaflets cash in hand, gardening, helping out at the local takeaway, etc.
They're not mutually exclusive. You have a subset of people who are living outside the law who are not covered by basic human rights legislation. Just like drug and trafficking gang leaders who exist in much the same kind of way. It's a highly dangerous precedent that's not been thought through properly...
Nothing is new! My other half is reading a biography of Shakespeare and in the 1600's there was a plan to send the very numerous dark skinned people in London back to The Barbary Coast by paying them to get onto a boat.
Protestors Vowed to Stop Deportation of Neighbours.
Crowds gathered on Denmilne Street today after rumours circulated that asylum seekers would be getting sent to Rwanda.
Migrants are to start being detained by the Home Office after the Rwanda Act was passed last week.
Now residents are “sending a message” to the government as they rallied round to “protect vulnerable neighbours.”

Yesterday in Glasgow
In his blog this morning Richard Murphy says this about the Donald Trump trial and the threat to jail him.

“I also suspect that Trump relishes the prospect of jail time for breaking this order. After all, this will just play to has fascist demand that the judiciary be brought under his control when he is President again, precisely so that he can determine not just what the law might be, but also who might be guilty or innocent of breaking”
ISTM that the Rwanda bill is playing to the same game with the same ends, to subvert the rule of law in order to politicise it.

We have still not learned, or have forgotten, the lessons of history from Germany a century ago.

People died for democracy, and we are now voting to get rid of it.
I am proud to live in a country that welcomes people from all backgrounds and helps those most needy. True asylum seekers that have fled war torn country's should be welcomed with open arms. What I am 100% against is the influx of economic migrants which is out of control. If you enter any country illegally then there should be a suitably robust deterent and process of removal. Me and my sons would like to migrate to Australia or New Zealand but we can't just break the law, turn up and expect a helping hand and this is correct and proper.
I am proud to live in a country that welcomes people from all backgrounds and helps those most needy. True asylum seekers that have fled war torn country's should be welcomed with open arms. What I am 100% against is the influx of economic migrants which is out of control. If you enter any country illegally then there should be a suitably robust deterent and process of removal. Me and my sons would like to migrate to Australia or New Zealand but we can't just break the law, turn up and expect a helping hand and this is correct and proper.
This is a reasonable and defensible position in and of itself. But it does overlook our complicity in bringing about the circumstances that creates these 'economic migrants'. AIUI, the great majority of these are Afghans and Iraquis, from countries with oppressive regimes which were royally ****ed up by western (economically-minded) 'interventions', which we were enthusiastic participants in, at the time. And which the Great British Public was stirred up into jingoistic support for. If you cheerled for it then, you ought to help with the clearing up afterwards, surely?


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