
Quad Elite

Nice. Not shopping right now and I'm a secondhand cheapskate, but they look nice. I've not seen a Quad I wouldn't like to have in the house, even the unloved 34 pre is OK.
very intrested when you put the 99 series on sale, i am looking for a quad amp so please post when they go on sale. thank you
How does the new CDP differ from CDP-2 sonically and does it still offer DAC functionality?
Indeed it does. I must state that the CDP was not the product we heard yesterday and I think the details of that are being finalised. But it will have a DAC/pre onboard.
Hi any more feedback on the Elite series?

I notice they use the same crystal DAC chip as the Bryston cd/bda1.

I see that Quad are now owned by IAG - this means they will be going up

against their sister brand Audiolab :D

all quads are hardly changed on the power side since the original 405s. better component and far stiffer power suppy able to give current at a constant current

they have been with IAG FOR YEARS

