
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

An interesting article in the NYT:

which makes me wonder just how much fear of retribution from a vengeful Trump is distorting all facets of life in the USA. For example,
are judges (apart from his devotees such as the Supreme Court and Judge Cannon) going to go easy on him for fear of what might happen if he is returned to the White House? If it is, the USA is surely doomed.
An interesting article in the NYT:

which makes me wonder just how much fear of retribution from a vengeful Trump is distorting all facets of life in the USA. For example,
are judges (apart from his devotees such as the Supreme Court and Judge Cannon) going to go easy on him for fear of what might happen if he is returned to the White House? If it is, the USA is surely doomed.

Why an earth would the people best placed to end his run - simply by enforcing the law - be scared of what might happen? Those particular devotees are on board.

Meanwhile his polling is slipping, Biden’s is up and Trump is in desperate trouble over his transactional attitude to supporting the end of Roe and is drowning in legal problems - none of which is going to move the dial in his direction. I’m not saying relax, just that it is not looking good for Trump at all - not that you’d know it from the constant fear-mongering.
Why an earth would the people best placed to end his run - simply by enforcing the law - be scared of what might happen? Those particular devotees are on board.
I'm thinking of all those violent and well-armed Trumpists who might take it out on judges and their families. Already some have received death threats. And if Trump gets back in, he'll fill the Justice Dept with his acolytes and weaponise it to go after his "enemies".
I'm thinking of all those violent and well-armed Trumpists who might take it out on judges and their families. Already some have received death threats. And if Trump gets back in, he'll fill the Justice Dept with his acolytes and weaponise it to go after his "enemies".

That “if” is doing a lot of heavy lifting - he hasn’t got the numbers and there is no indication that his situation will improve as more of the truth emerges.

There are judges who haven’t been intimidated as is obvious in NY right now and with the civil case. I’m sure many of the GOP have been intimidated into co-operation or silence but I see no evidence of the judges you specifically mention having any qualms about supporting Trump, they are not being intimidated into it. It’s who they are.
An interesting article in the NYT:

which makes me wonder just how much fear of retribution from a vengeful Trump is distorting all facets of life in the USA. For example,
are judges (apart from his devotees such as the Supreme Court and Judge Cannon) going to go easy on him for fear of what might happen if he is returned to the White House? If it is, the USA is surely doomed.

"Real power is - and I don't even want to use the word - fear" is an infamous quote from Trump. It's been his modus operandi for decades and it helps him get the power, money, and sex he craves. And it certainly works.
Crass, but in a way symbolic - Trump will cast out the light with darkness if he gets in the White House:

Welcome to the Endarkenment....
Of course, the real President of the USA is Vladimir Putin. Everything Trump and the Republicans do is in line with what Putin wants - Congress(wo)men are even using stuff fed to them by Russian sources to attack Democrats - Moscow Mitch has been replaced by Moscow Marjorie. "Useful idiot" was a term to describe people susceptible to Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. Putin now has an entire political party of them.
In a remotely civilised country, Trump would be in trouble for impuning the judge before the trial even starts, but I suppose that is what you get when you have an overtly politicised judiciary.
Also his threats against Biden et. al amount to threatening behaviour.
Time that orange child was locked up.
In a remotely civilised country, Trump would be in trouble for impuning the judge before the trial even starts, but I suppose that is what you get when you have an overtly politicised judiciary.
Also his threats against Biden et. al amount to threatening behaviour.
Time that orange child was locked up.
Mullard M, Your far to compassionate dealing with drumpf.

He should be placed on the USAs electric throne in return for all the pain and suffering that P.O.S has inflicted on so many global innocent good ppl.

I would like to see it televised.:eek:
Mullard M, Your far to compassionate dealing with drumpf.

He should be placed on the USAs electric throne in return for all the pain and suffering that P.O.S has inflicted on so many global innocent good ppl.

I would like to see it televised.:eek:
Bit harsh. Personally, I think there could be no worse punishment for Trump than to live the rest of his life as a loser. To disappear into obscurity would be the worst of all things.
Bit harsh. Personally, I think there could be no worse punishment for Trump than to live the rest of his life as a loser. To disappear into obscurity would be the worst of all things.
Too much compassion again...

I would like to see him disappear in a wisp of smoke, vaporized. :mad:
Mullard M, Your far to compassionate dealing with drumpf.

He should be placed on the USAs electric throne in return for all the pain and suffering that P.O.S has inflicted on so many global innocent good ppl.

I would like to see it televised.:eek:

That's quite Trumpian, though I understand your sentiment.
A rather amusing excerpt from The Trump Bible, according to The New Yorker anyway:

The Resurrection
After Jesus was arrested, the crowd brought him before Pontius Pilate.

“Tell me, Jesus Christ,” Pilate said. “Are you King of the Jews?” Which wasn’t that strange a question, because even today a lot of people don’t know that Jesus was actually Jewish.

“You say that I am,” Jesus replied, but, again, you couldn’t tell just by looking at him. “This trial is very unfair. You are a corrupt judge, and your wife is a very nasty woman.”

“What does my wife have to do with anything?” Pilate asked.

“I don’t want to say,” Jesus replied. “But I’ve heard some rumors.”

The crowd dragged Jesus away, while Pilate pondered the comment about his wife. Jesus was crucified and left to die.

Overcome by grief, the apostles left for Galilee, where to their amazement they found Jesus in splendid white robes waiting for them.

“Lord!” they cried. “You have fulfilled the prophecies and risen from the dead.”

“What prophecies?” Jesus replied. “I’ve been here the whole time.”

The apostles didn’t understand.

“While I was carrying the Cross, someone stopped to help,” Jesus said. “Simon. Shimon, maybe. Sounded foreign. The next thing I knew, the crowd had crucified him instead, so I just left.”

The apostles exulted, and the sky opened up. “I am ascending to Heaven now to sit at the right hand of the Father,” Jesus told them. “And when I return I’m not going to be in such a forgiving mood. Judas, the Pharisees, Pilate—they will feel my wrath on Day One. I’m not so happy with Thomas, either, who I heard said some very bad things about me. And this will be a sign unto you: the lamb will lie down with the lion. And you’re not going to want to be the lamb, believe me.”

With that, Jesus ascended to Heaven, speaking his final words: “I’ll ask one more time about the unicorns. But I’m pretty sure the answer is still no.”


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