
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

All eyes are on NYC right now, but it worth remembering just how screwed the orange anus is on the federal documents charges. This article suggests new evidence of obstruction will be very difficult to defend.

Agreed, the amount of evidence around the federal documents charges make it look impossible to deny or defend.

Maybe to deflect from that, or maybe because like our own Bozo Johnson, TFG can only deal with / appease whatever is in front of him at the current time, he is going completely out of control on his social media site and in public. The cornered rat look is not going to convince many of his innocence.
In the last day or two, he has called the Manhattan DA a 'degenerate psychopath,' and warned that the decision to prosecute him would spark 'death and destruction' across the US, a clear call to his base for violent protest.
He also posted a picture of Alvin Bragg next to a picture of himself wielding a baseball bat. The post itself was deleted on legal advice, but when asked about it on fox news TFG said that the 'fake news media' was actually responsible for the controversy.

The mayor, chief of police and the DA have been clear in warning against possible violence in NY later today. I'm sure they have made preparations but I hope it doesn't descend into chaos.
Agreed, the amount of evidence around the federal documents charges make it look impossible to deny or defend.

Maybe to deflect from that, or maybe because like our own Bozo Johnson, TFG can only deal with / appease whatever is in front of him at the current time, he is going completely out of control on his social media site and in public. The cornered rat look is not going to convince many of his innocence.
In the last day or two, he has called the Manhattan DA a 'degenerate psychopath,' and warned that the decision to prosecute him would spark 'death and destruction' across the US, a clear call to his base for violent protest.
He also posted a picture of Alvin Bragg next to a picture of himself wielding a baseball bat. The post itself was deleted on legal advice, but when asked about it on fox news TFG said that the 'fake news media' was actually responsible for the controversy.

The mayor, chief of police and the DA have been clear in warning against possible violence in NY later today. I'm sure they have made preparations but I hope it doesn't descend into chaos.

I have a bad feeling about this. Could Trump's indictment be the spark that lights the touchpaper of a second US civil war?
I have a bad feeling about this. Could Trump's indictment be the spark that lights the touchpaper of a second US civil war?

I hope that he has lost a large part of his base due to his legal troubles and the thing about paying off porn stars, and that MTG and her ilk are shouting into a largely empty room, because they are both out of touch and have nothing else. Let’s see what happens at the NY Court - if supporters don’t turn out in any number, then I think the prospect of violence and his re election are toast.
I hope that he has lost a large part of his base due to his legal troubles and the thing about paying off porn stars, and that MTG and her ilk are shouting into a largely empty room, because they are both out of touch and have nothing else. Let’s see what happens at the NY Court - if supporters don’t turn out in any number, then I think the prospect of violence and his re election are toast.

I hope you're right!
Looking forward to when Britain Trump follows in his footsteps. £126k of tax payers money paid to Jenny from Silicon Roundabout for sexual services. He can afford to pay it back now.


