
Playing with cheap ethernet cables

Fortunately my music comes straight off ssd via direct msata plug into the pi, so only the control commands come via Ethernet. Maybe I should try different msata cables?

Try a motherboard where the SSD sits/plugs directly into/onto it... no cables required at all.
I see the WigWam thread got stimulated yesterday and one Wam member was given a final warning due to criticising moderation. It seems ethernet hearers can be poor forum members.
I see the WigWam thread got stimulated yesterday and one Wam member was given a final warning due to criticising moderation. It seems ethernet hearers can be poor forum members.

Yes especially those that fail to read or understand the AUP.
I thought i was enjoying this cable thread more than usual, then I skipped to the wam thread, thanks for the heads up, was a bit tldr but just a few moments browsing made my day. Fancy getting your knickers so in a twist (or maybe a twisted pair?) over ethernet cables mods have to step in. Couldn't make it up. If you did nobody would believe you.
I think the problem for our Wam friends is that the Linn forum was close down by Linn and they had to find a new home. Bringing a this is our product and discussion area mindset to WigWam. Understandably the exLinn members resented or found unwelcome the more public Wam forum having to deal with none Linn members.

Unfortunate. Why Linn let their customers down heaven only knows. Seems a strange business move. Glad I only have an old LP12 which I’ve given up using.

If you have the time and interest the 76 pages on Wam can amuse, inform, give one something to think about.
That seems simple enough. Did anyone doubt that records 'can' sound better by removing foreign matter from them?
I think the problem for our Wam friends is that the Linn forum was close down by Linn and they had to find a new home. Bringing a this is our product and discussion area mindset to WigWam. Understandably the exLinn members resented or found unwelcome the more public Wam forum having to deal with none Linn members.

Unfortunate. Why Linn let their customers down heaven only knows. Seems a strange business move. Glad I only have an old LP12 which I’ve given up using.

If you have the time and interest the 76 pages on Wam can amuse, inform, give one something to think about.
Are they still encamped or have they gone back to wandering in the desert and waiting for the Red Sea to part?
That looks addictive- I could peel the stuff off all day. I like the way they show lots of oscilloscope screen shots of the ‘science stuff’ then conclude immodestly, “The resulting playback possesses a depth and openness that is quite extraordinary” in a spurious association with the oscilloscope readings.
The horrible thing about the linn forum being wiped off the Internet is that links still come up when you’re searching for the answer to stuff- quite often not linn specific. It was a useful repository of information and I say that as a non flat earther.

BTW, do you think they could be headed this way and what are the early signs we should be vigilant about? :)
Not at all, I think he was asking for exactly that. I'd never seen it before, good find.

Right, now who has the same to prove cables make a difference...
Technical it's impossible for there to be a difference unless the cable is faulty.
Oh i just remembered i have some "special" audio CAT 5 leads, £120 per metre + VAT how many do you want? sorry for the lower case i i'm using a cheap mains lead ;)o_O:rolleyes:
The horrible thing about the linn forum being wiped off the Internet is that links still come up when you’re searching for the answer to stuff- quite often not linn specific. It was a useful repository of information and I say that as a non flat earther.

BTW, do you think they could be headed this way and what are the early signs we should be vigilant about? :)
I doubt we will see a tribal transfer from WigWam. That move confused Linn population and still does. Unless a huge benefit is there another move might be disruptive to the Linn community.

Some more curious and adventurous may appear

