
Pioneer A400 VS Audiolab 8000A

:)Sometimes you need a little grey to counter overexuberances elsewhere in your system. I've heard it said that the ideal amp sounds like a straight wire with gain (and no added colour).
Does anyone know what the Tom Evans mods were to the A400?

From what I remember it was a couple of caps changed and a few other select parts. Not a great deal, just subtle stuff.

My A400 was one of the first to be converted and I remember seeing some different parts in the case when I got it back.

I saw a small article in Hi-Fi World, literally just a paragraph saying this chap Tom Evans had worked out some mods for the A400 and you could send him your A400 for the work. I cant remember how much the mods were around £100 maybe.

I called him the next day this is how the call went -


"Ahh yes hello is that Tom Evans?"


"Erm I'm calling about your A400 mod!"

"...pause....(rather harsh) Who are you? Who do you represent?"

"..(taken aback I was only about 21) I dont work for anyone I'm a customer who would like their A400 upgraded please.."

"...Ohhhh rightttt well thats ok............"

There then followed a really fun 30 minute conversation about hi-fi and the A400 and my Amp was duly dispatched the next day.

When I got it back it did sound good and I even bought some nice lettraset gold lettering to add the GTE after the 400 logo on the front. The dealers I took it in to, to do a demo with was most impressed.

I should take a pick of it. In fact I keep meaning to open it up to clean out all the switches and pots.

