


pfm Member
Anyone else here having problems with Photobucket? It now seems to be worse every time I use it: log in problems, then problems accessing libraries, then throwing me out for no reason, and so it goes on. It's the same for me on Windows, Linux and Chromebook, absolute shite.
Yes, I have just yesterday moved to Flickr. It kept opening the adverts which it has littered my photos with for no reason and my anti virus program kept popping up all the time warning me about strange sounding web sites.
Yes is slower than a snail in slowville.

I like posting pictures but I get a sinking feeling that I would have to use photobucket. I must move my photos elsewhere for internet use.

I think they want me to pay for their premium service :D
I use Flickr and pay for the pro option which gives a bit more flexibility and no ads. It is not much, about £15 a year IIRC.
I used to use Photobucket but it became unusable. I have problems viewing other people's links too, often being bombarded with ads and being redirected before an image has even loaded. I now use Imgur and haven't had any issues with it.
I have lots of woodworking photos on photobucket otherwise I would drop it like a hot potato, it just gets worse and worse. Although some of the print offers are reasonable, don't know what the quality is like, any one had some printed?

yes I find pb very irritating , on my laptop it is so slow to load , I can only really use on my desktop
About to walk away as it has become an absolute joke for me.
Problem is - which one to go to?
I would not mind paying the £15.00 Tony mentions for Flikr, but not having any usage of it makes me 'nervous'
I'll be leaving the stuff on PB as so many are linked to it elsewhere.
Something easy to use, easy to upload to and add links to external pages is all thats needed.
Why has it become so bad - are they that desperate to monetise everything these days?
About to walk away as it has become an absolute joke for me.
Problem is - which one to go to?
I would not mind paying the £15.00 Tony mentions for Flikr, but not having any usage of it makes me 'nervous'
I'll be leaving the stuff on PB as so many are linked to it elsewhere.
Something easy to use, easy to upload to and add links to external pages is all thats needed.
Why has it become so bad - are they that desperate to monetise everything these days?

Try Imgur, it's free, easy to use and works fine.
I have despaired of photobucket for the same reasons, it stops my PC dead in its tracks, and it is the reason why I rarely post up photos now. I won't pay the subscription to get rid of the ads because the fact that they are using this method of junking the pc in order to bully you onto the subscription service leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I won't use flikr because I find the interface irritating, and it is also incredibly slow to load up pages now. That box that pops up on the bottom rhs asking if you want to follow such and such a member is very infuriating. If I say no once, that should suffice, but it pops up again as soon as you page backwards or forwards.
I don't even open links hosted there for all the above reasons* - it's a complete POS to the occasional viewer, nevermind the poor sap hosting there.

(*even with web-essential script/egregious-ad-block precautions)
I use Flickr and pay for the pro option which gives a bit more flexibility and no ads. It is not much, about £15 a year IIRC.

just looked at my account and Flickr is saying FlickrPro is only available on a monthly plan at $5.99/month or $49.99 for FlickrPro+ per year....
Photobucket is a p.i.t.a. nowadays unless you've got all the time in the world; does weird things on occasion, too. Ebay has similarly slowed down when browsing. Whenever you investigate an auction, you have to wait until it stabilises (or the ad's come on). Then you return and another wait....!

I can understand reasons behind Photobucket delaying tactics, but not Ebay.
just looked at my account and Flickr is saying FlickrPro is only available on a monthly plan at $5.99/month or $49.99 for FlickrPro+ per year....

I can't find the info, but I think there was some rather better deal for long-term users. They keep changing the interface and I can't work out where the billing details are, but I think I'm only billed every two years and a I've been a member since 2006. I remember when they radically upped the amount of storage for non-pro members they threw a deal at existing pro users in order to keep them, which after some thought I went for. I have a feeling all I'm actually paying for now is the lack of ads and the ability to have more folders, i.e. it is not a huge benefit from the free membership.
I can't find the info, but I think there was some rather better deal for long-term users. They keep changing the interface and I can't work out where the billing details are, but I think I'm only billed every two years and a I've been a member since 2006. I remember when they radically upped the amount of storage for non-pro members they threw a deal at existing pro users in order to keep them, which after some thought I went for. I have a feeling all I'm actually paying for now is the lack of ads and the ability to have more folders, i.e. it is not a huge benefit from the free membership.

I've used Flickr for yonks and got the same deal, billed every two years. It's not the most intuitive but the lack of ads and my detest for the malware pits like photobucket means I'm happy to stay with it. Posting pics in isolation without giving access to all your photos requires care though.
OP, Photobucket has become terrible, I have moved to Flicker, no issues and a better format.

I also have a Dropbox account which is also very good.
I won't even click on a link in the classifieds etc if I see it is photobucket as I know it will take ages to load all the ads only to get a tiny photo (a bit like using the Wam now ;) )

Photobucket has been shite for years now, I've always used flickr and never had any issues.
OP, Photobucket has become terrible, I have moved to Flicker, no issues and a better format.

I also have a Dropbox account which is also very good.

Dropbox is probably best for transferring full-sized files for printing, even TIFFS. I have fibre optic broadband at home now, so upload speeds are in seconds rather than the hours it used to take.

An alternative to Photobucket is Imageshack, to which I subscribe. I have had issues with darkening of images and have persevered with photobucket until I recently gave up altogether. I'm going to have another go with Imagashack. The interface is clean, and there's no junk.

