
Photo theme #16: BOKEH (May 13–25)

Joe P

Memory Alpha incarnate | mod; Shatner number = 2
Da rulz

Interpret bokeh however you like.

Please post only one picture. If you have others you'd like to show, you can start another thread or upload the extras in the PAW thread.

Use whatever ratio your camera has or you prefer (i.e., cropping is allowed), but please limit your entry's maximum dimension to ≤800 pixels.

The contest runs from May 13 (this very second) until May 24 23:59 EDT. Your picture should be taken between those dates.

As it's difficult for a judge to be unbiased, my entry, if I have one, will not be in the competition. If I upload a picture it's simply so I can participate in the theme.


your have to write #sign (not no.) in title and make the theme word all caps--like this:

#16: BOKEH

otherwise, i will be confused and not know how to find the thread.


I thought your shift and cap lock keys were missing.

What JR said.

If you need further clarification, all I meant was that some (or all) of your picture should be out of focus. Bokeh comes in different flavours to be sure, but to have bokeh something in the picture has to be out of focus.

As Ian is in Japan at the moment I am expecting nothing less than a Japanese themed Bokeh entry. Preferably involving Cherry Blossom.
here's the morning line from vegas:

9/2 cliff - training exclusively at f/2.8 for past month; clearly the horse to beat here

5/1 sideshowbob - is in the best bokeh country of all but, if he didn't bring the hassy, throw him out

7/1 vuk - with leica tele-elmarit has to be there in the stretch, but worrying lack of killer instinct recently after taxing win 3 weeks ago

9/1 omer - blurry eyesight caused by excessive youthful "activity" gives him distinct visualisation advantage here

12/1 concrete - never know what to expect from this one; often lots out of focus in pictures

15/1 jonathanribee - promising 6 year-old, but a big step up in class; may be distracted by lone filly if both jump to the lead

25/1 matthewr - careless attitude, frequent nihilistic finish, but always worth taking at a price
um, thanks for the vote of confidence...wastge of time me entering then..? ffs...clown... :)

edit - I shoot mainly with f1.8...
Kasp I am out of the running, I only have nikon and only have nikon glass.

But god dammit I am going to make it as cheesy as possible. Cheese seems to be in the winning line at the moment!
Mr Cat,

I'm the judge for this theme, not Vuk, and I will be as fair as possible. In any case, these themes are supposed to be fun and motivating, not a pissing contest.


you're not out of the running. that's just the morning line and i didn't have time to transcribe all the longer shots....

40/1 garyi - unexpected strong showing in a hotly-contested graded stake, in spite of persistent equipment problems; wearing front wraps, undisciplined young jockey with ipod


p.s. mr cat: chill out dude. the rest of us are just kidding around. if these were real odds, i'd be 1/20.
ha vuk - you're more childish than I thought...what you got me as - rank outsider..?

you should have your emicons turned on - as you obviously misinterpret most of peoples conversations... :D

i am totally confused here. isn't it obvious that these odds are supposed to be funny?


