
One box solution


pfm Member
Unfortunately I need to reduce my boxcount for space and convenience. I am looking to spend around £3k (used prices) on a system. I have Audiosmile Kensai speakers that I plan to keep (the rest of it is Cyrus). At the moment im looking at the Naim Superuniti. Any other ideas most welcome
Many thanks for any ideas
Yeah thought about going active, but I like the Kensais a lot and would rather keep them. Its a thought though!
In that case, although it's not a one box solution, how about an Oppo HA1 and an April Music Eximus S1 power amp? Both small form factor and both fab...
The Linn Majik DSM is superb but obviously has no CD element if you need that. T+A Balanced Music Receiver knocks the Naim into a cocked hat, in my opinion. Difficult to find though.
I happen to have a Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated I'm looking to sell. Look it up - A DAC/Pre/Amp and headphone amp in a single box. I've also heard good reviews of the Hegel H300 which is a similar system. Just add speakers and a MAC/PC/music source.
There's a good few mentioned above, but if it was me I'd go the naim route.

BUT give the others real listening time.
The linn majik DSM is excellent, my parents are looking into getting one, it fits their needs perfectly, they are just wincing at the price a bit (but they will get one anyway because they don't know yet that I'm going to pay for it, they have waited hand and foot on me and had me living with them through my illness so it's the least I can do.)

Brilliantly flexible unit that happens to sound jolly good too!

