
On the shelf at Avondale.


Bit of this, bit of that
I popped in to see Les today, the little note on the website about new products finally got the better of me, I needed some bits for a couple of builds.

I think I'm keeping the Superline, so it really deserves a better power supply than it had and lo-and-behold Les pulls a new module out of his box of tricks. A variant on his highly regarded ASX Hicap upgrade, but this is an all in one rectifier, smoother regulator module- and it's a shunt reg. It looks a little like a mini TPX board, but Les assures me there's nothing mini about its performance. I'll report back once it's built up.

I'm also messing about with power supplies for my Young dac, or rather power supplies for other peoples Young dacs and I'm trying to match the sound of the battery pack with a regulated supply. The Teddyreg comes close, really close, but I think there's more to be had, and I think it comes down to Impedance. So what would Les have but a new TPR2 ( it might be called the TPRS actually, there were too many bits to remember).

We get talking about bits and bobs and pop upstairs for a brew and Ginger-Snaps, can't beat em. Anyway, cycling leads to golf, leads to polymers, leads to carbon loaded structural foam, leads to laser interferometry. He's been busy has our Les. All this composite talk was leading to what amounts, as best as I can visualize it, to an almost entirely new LP12. Not a bit here and a bit there, pretty much everything except the plinth and motor.

Biscuits eaten and coffee slurped we pop back downstairs to assemble my box of bits and there on the shelf at the bottom of the stairs in metalwork land were 7 tonearms, lined up like silver and gold Oscars. Tie-wire pre-tensioned arm tubes, litz wired, magnetically repulsed pillar bearing. Looking very much the product of a furtive and fertile mind, and according to Les they are just about ready to head out into the wide world to find temporary homes with respected reviewers and the keenest lovers of analogue.

Long story short, the new tracking pre reg jobbies look excellent and so does the shunt reg module. I'll report back once I get them built up. (probably tomorrow ).

Coo. I'll await pics with interest. I knew Les was doing some metal-bashing with a view to making a tonearm, if it's ready to go then great stuff.
If I can extricate those two LM317's in my old Snaps I'll report on the TPRS Young supply tonight.
Ah, I saw that today as well. Not that I know one end of the SBL from another, but I know my coils and caps and this was made up with some lovely Ansar PP caps and some utterly fit for purpose copper foil, air-cored coils. It's a nicely laid out pcb, short wide tracks, good plating, all the right things in the right place.

Lefty, 317's extracted.
Not being a Naim speaker user I didn't ask. Ben was building up a pair of production boards though so I assume its release will be pending in a matter of weeks.
Well that’s encouraging news about the tonearm, I was expecting to see that this
summer,but I’m disappointed to hear mention of an LP12 turntable, nothing against
the LP12, I was expecting something original.
Les is going to send me one , I'll invite some PFM folk round for a listen when it is installed.
Theres also a PSU board specifically for the shoe box power amps.
Lefty, a decent-ish listen tonight has the TPR2 ahead on dynamics and bass weight, I'll have another listen during the day tomorrow when the house is empty to see how it stands up against the battery pack and the STR in the cold light of day.
I noticed that all the prices are held pending new product update. Does it mean that I cannot place order now until their store is ready?

I vaguely remember posting on a previous thread where, if I remember correctly, you were less than satisfied with the Superline, but I cannot remember what power supply etc you had with it.

Whereas I'm pleased that you're now keeping it, I wonder why you don't take the Superline to its manufacturer-intended performance peak by adding a Supercap (and Hiline?).

Quite possibly there are other ways of achieving this, but to me this would be the yardstick to base any other experimentation on. An infinitely re-saleable £1k to £1.3K used S/cap doesn't present a chancy outlay at this level, surely?

Maybe I'm being too reactionary, but hearing what this combo does to top Koetsus and Lyras does make me wonder........
Thanks for the heads up about the new TPRS. I have a few of the previous TPR's in my home made Beresford DAC power supply (12v and 5v supplies) and SB3 power supply (2 x 5v supplies) and fancy a dabble with the new ones.

Any idea of cost for the TPRS ready built or as bare PCB's options.

No idea about cost, as usual I didn't ask Les for individual prices, just the cost of all my bits. I knocked up a Young DAC PS last night with the TPR2 and it does run the battery pack all the way, more dynamic than the Teddyreg, just a touch.
If the original TPR's are anything to go by - no. I love the TPR's and very eager to try the new versions. The only thing that I had problems with previously was the heatsink that the LM317's needed for the SB3 PSu (the digital bit pulls around 650ma at 5v).

Last time I asked Les about them he said that he was making the new version to accommodate heatsinking.

Will give him a ring to find out about them.


Got an Avondale Audion TPX1 for sale..... £200 inc leads and £30 to post or pick up in Manchester.... Anyone interested??

Thanks Simon

