
New Porcupine Tree Album - The Incident

I only heard of Porcupine Tree for the first time on here last week. I bought 'The Incident', and I really like it. Very intense, a bit much here and there, but incredibly skilled. I agree particularly with the comments about the 'Time flies' track. I think the comparisons made about this band to Floyd etc stand up, but they don't actually sound to me like a band who are trying particularly to mimic anyone else, as they dart around through so many styles in one album. They just sound like talented people playing music. This is the first thing I've enjoyed in years with a rock slant. I love the electronic blending with the guitars. Really interesting.
I'd be inclined to hear them live. The production is superb - it'd be interesting to hear to what extent they replicate all those sonic changes in a live setting.
Have you ever heard Damnation by Opeth, produced by Steven Wilson? Quite proggy, and definitely not in their normal death metal style. Think you can still pick it up on vinyl

I'll look out for that Theo.


Edit: just bought a 180gm new copy.
Have you ever heard Damnation by Opeth, produced by Steven Wilson? Quite proggy, and definitely not in their normal death metal style. Think you can still pick it up on vinyl

So I got this album on vinyl yesterday. You did say it was not in their normal death metal style...............its still on the heavy side of death to me!
Are we talking the same "Damnation"? It's very mellow (and quite PT like in places), which is why most fervent Opeth fans (who love the gutteral bits) avoid it.

I'm listening to it at the moment - no shouty bits and smothered in Mellotron...
I do like Deliverance: 'A Fair Judgement' is a great track, but I promise you, 'Damnation' is VERY different. Hopefully you can change it?

The wife absolutely HATES them!
have incident as one whole thing ,I'mlistening to it now ... its actually very very good good in fact I'm half way through with no intention of turning it off:cool:
PS I do have to put up with some dick advert now and again.

