
new cartridge

Agreed, Spectre; Lyras are not music genre dependent. At least, the Clavis and successor Helikon weren't on my then Orbe/Five.

I can't really imagine any cart. to be genre biased, but I've only had a dozen or so makes, mostly coils.
Disagree here, I listen to Mahler, ELP, Beatles, Madonna, John Coltrane, Massive Attack and the Delos handles them all with aplomb. Ortofons have a safe sound if thats what you like.

Fair popint. I've owned 4 ortofons and none of them were 'safe' tho all were quite neutral. Nobody calls Lyras 'neutral' tho I note recent models have edged that way.
I have a gorgeous Kiseki with very low hours for sale for around that amount. It was a huge leap up from the 10x5 I had on my Aro before, though I have no idea if it would be a good match for your technoarm.

PS: Not sure if mentioning this here is bad form. Happy to remove if so. Thanks.

The Kiseki is a bargain. I would have bought it had I not just ordered a Purpleheart a few days before jimification's ad appeared. Rip the man's hand off and thank me later :D
A previous response mentions the DV XX11. It really is worth the extra IMO and a big jump from the DV 17d3 which I had.Its also obviously a fantastic match with the P75 on supersetting. I demoed the Lyra delos, Linn Krystal and cadenza blue and still bought the DV. if its within your grasp a no brainer
How does this compare to the older Ortofon Kontrapunkt line, like the Kontrapunkt A or Kontrapunkt H, in particular?

The Cadenza's are "better Kontrapunkts" with the similar variation across the range by changing stylus. As noted by Rockmeister above.

Useful reviews here...

..and here...

Over the last decade or so I've used several ortofons and a couple of lyras. I basically choose between the Cadenza and Delos almost randomly. I went for the Cadenza Blue - mostly due to a guess at it being a good balance with the rest of the system.

Either cart is very good indeed. There is no bad here.

