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Did anyone read Darko's take on the current controversy over MQA?

He tries hard to sit on the fence - which anyone who has read posts from both sides in this thread will know is really hard as long as fault lines go along ...

- lossy vs lossless
- origamied music file vs the full audio file
- subjectively perceived sound quality (equalised "secret soup" MQA file vs "straight" open FLAC file)
- no access to MQA source file vs open format FLAC = source file
- MQA = DRM locked vs FLAC = free from DRM
- MQA as extra layer in the great music chain that takes a cut vs FLAC = no extra payment asked
- MQA's claims to be Master Quality when you can't access or revert to the original master file vs FLAC as a faithful copy of the master file
- MQA's claim to be benefitial for the artists vs do they get paid more for how MQA "improves" their original studio work?
- MQA's claim to get the listener closer to a live performance by their MQA process vs what the original recording sounded like when it was taped/captured live with no MQA process added
- MQA's refusal to enter into an open discussion of what MQA is and why we need it vs attempts to have full disclosure of those points
- MQA secrecy vs FLAC openness
The wind continues to blow relentlessly.

And there is no DRM in MQA. It can be freely copied. Like many formats it requires equipment to play. By your twisted definition, even 8-track tape and Edison cylinders have DRM.

Do we really know if the LPCM file available for streaming is a "faithful copy" of the master file? We have no such certainty.
The tracks that GoldenSound managed to get MQA encoded include some segments of pure silence. Here's what MQA did with that. The blue curve is the undecoded MQA, red is the output of a decoder.

Unrendered data. You have no way of knowing what MQA final bits that go to the D/A stage are. Stop spreading BS - and your education is clearly a detriment here, not an aid. It allows you to spread nonsense, while sounding "plausible" - the worst use for a technical education.
I read your posts but will refuse to answer directly as long as you keep up your dismissive tactics. I tried to present the fault lines of the MQA debacle. You refuse any representation of your position except when you use your own words that are hardly unbiased.
Unrendered data. You have no way of knowing what MQA final bits that go to the D/A stage are.
Wrong (again). I can run the decoded data through a renderer and get exactly what would be sent to the DAC chip. Here's what happens:

As a reminder, the input for this section of the file was pure digital silence, all samples zero.
I read your posts but will refuse to answer directly as long as you keep up your dismissive tactics. I tried to present the fault lines of the MQA debacle. You refuse any representation of your position except when you use your own words that are hardly unbiased.
But you presented them a dozen times!

The only new thing for you to do is to try it.
Wrong (again). I can run the decoded data through a renderer and get exactly what would be sent to the DAC chip. Here's what happens:

As a reminder, the input for this section of the file was pure digital silence, all samples zero.
You don't have a software renderer - that would be illegal.

The internal dac stream is encrypted and I don't think you have anywhere enough horsepower to break it. And also illegal.

All you can do is look at the free bits and make conjecture.
You don't have a software renderer - that would be illegal.

The internal dac stream is encrypted and I don't think you have anywhere enough horsepower to break it. And also illegal.

All you can do is look at the free bits and make conjecture.

You really love MQA! Really, really.
Sure I do. I got it from Bluesound. Are you saying they're breaking the law?

Utter rubbish.
Bluesound would be certainly breaking the law if the were distributing the full MQA code.

What you may have is the first unfold code, which is in Bluesound and Tidal. Extracting that code would in itself be a likely violation of an agreement that you explicitly made with Bluesound when you agreed to their terms.

Rendering occurs in an MQA DAC under direction from the the unfolding software. Rendered bitstream is unavailable to you unless you physically hack into a DAC. It's not outputted on the digital outs.

Stop confusing the vulnerable population on this forum.
Bluesound would be certainly breaking the law if the were distributing the full MQA code.
Nonsense. How else would their DACs be able to "render" MQA?

Extracting that code would in itself be a likely violation of an agreement that you explicitly made with Bluesound when you agreed to their terms.
I haven't agreed to any terms. Therefore, I cannot be violating them.

Rendering occurs in an MQA DAC under direction from the the unfolding software. Rendered bitstream is unavailable to you unless you physically hack into a DAC.
Which I did.
Here it is

Finally caught up with this video for What Hifi. What a boring 45 minutes. The host hadn't done her homework, I don't suppose she ever did at school either. Bob was just allowed to waffle endlessly.

My take home:

1) What neuroscience does Bob think he knows and how has he put that into MQA? Is neuroscience that advanced nowadays that we can know how everyone perceives or understands it in the same way for everyone?

2) MQA do want to TAKE OVER the world, Bob wants MQA embedded into everything; movies (cinema and streaming), radio, the whole internet(YouTube etc.) phones/DAPs, TV and cars to name a few. Wherever there is sound reproduction he wants 'in' with MQA. Maybe SETI should try it!

Let's hope the big boys in the entertainment business give a swerve to MQA or else Bob will hold the key to all audio data and be the new Padishah Emperor Shaddam V!
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