
Looking for a pair of Knobs


PFM Special Builder
Right, I've changed my mind, once again. I'm not going to strip down my 32.5 to fit my Starfish but I'm going to build a wooden box (Oak probably) to have it match the rest of my DIY stuff.

Usual layout, volume on the left, selector on the left, small green led in the middle.

I've done plenty of digging around on the interweb coupled with lots of thinking, sketching and measuring and I think I have a good idea of how it is going to come together. But I need to find a decent set of knobs that will look the part and that can be counter sunk through the oak fascia to be mounted on a ali plate screwed to the back of the fascia. Oak will be 12mm-15mm thick.

I've looked at the ones over on hifi collective and their dome ali ones look the part, but doesn't anyone else have any other sites/manufacturers that can supply?


The title does beg a response doesn't it...?

You could try/use the two (?) goons who did my garage/nicked my tools last w/e...


....sorry, :rolleyes: won't mention it again , promise.....

How about wood knobs to match the case, contrasting wood with a slit cut and a sliver of veneer in a different wood, this is a pedant I made for my wife and all her frends!!! in Rosewood and sycamore.

Rosewood would look nice aganst the oak I have some spare if you are interested.

Hi Garf,

You were kind enough to send me a load of onsemi sample transistors that now reside in my amps, so it's good to get a chance to return the favour.

I have a pair of solid Billet Alu knobs that I got sent free when I ordered my cases from Hi-Fi 2000 in Italy. They are 40mm in length and diameter. They have a pointer groove milled in and a domed top. They are unused.

If they sound like your bag, send me an address and they are yours.


Oh wow...that was ages ago. Thank you very much.

How do the amps sound?

I'll PM my addr :)

Hi Garf,

I'll get them in the post to you.

As for the amps, after using a NAP140 for over 10 years ( I thought this was a great little amp) I was genuinely amazed by how much better the clones sound.
Most obvious differences are a big increase in scale and bass weight (even with SBL's) at low volumes and a never any sense of strain. I can't say I thought the 140 sounded strained at the time, but when I compared them that was the sense I had.



