
lite audio lt-one cd transport......yea or nay?


pfm Member
Does anyone have experience with the above transport?

I've been using a modified Cambridge Audio CD4 as a Transport for a number of years now, would the above be a significant improvement over that?

I recently purchased a Musical Paradise valve DAC to replace my now failing Audiolab Mdac and that itch has come back again to see if my long serving CD4 can be bettered.
Several threads on here about the Audiolab transports, a 6000 made a worthwhile difference in my system. I know that's not what you're asking about...but if you're wanting the best result you should maybe investigate what these particular devices can do in your system. Good luck!
Old conversation. Did you get a transport in the end? I have one of these transports. They are good, but you have to ensure the player is level 'flat' for best operation. Cd can always skip from scratches, though.
Up samples to 96k via coax and i2s and aes

