
Linn Isobarik related Sales Literature

<table bgcolor="#EEEEEE" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="60%" bgcolor="#000000"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#ffffff" size="2"> publication </font> </td> <td width="20%" bgcolor="#000000"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#ffffff" size="2"> document </font> </td> <td width="20%" bgcolor="#000000"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#ffffff" size="2"> source </font> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> This Linn/Naim system would have cost it's owner a shade over £4,300 in September, 1977. </font> </td> <td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> <ul type="square"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Naim Advert (273Kb)</a> <img src="" alt="PDF" border="0" /></a></li> </ul> </font> </td> <td valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> BarryJHart </font> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> Audiophile Systems, Indianapolis DMS sales literature. Interestingly, the photograph is a PMS. </font> </td> <td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> <ul type="square"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Audiophile Systems Advert (575Kb)</a> <img src="" alt="PDF" border="0" /></a></li> </ul> </font> </td> <td valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> BarryJHart </font> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> A Linn Products brochure from around 1982/83 </font> </td> <td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> <ul type="square"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Linn Products Brochure (818Kb)</a> <img src="" alt="PDF" border="0" /></a></li> </ul> </font> </td> <td valign="center"> <font face="Verdana, Ariel, Helvetica" color="#000000" size="2"> Tim Danaher </font> </td> </tr> </table>


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