
'Like' buttons

To 'like' is a far simpler way to agree with the post, rather than quoting it and posting that you agree. It has helped on other forums, but the average age has been probably less than here on PFM. :p

They’re used on the Leica forum that I’m a member of, which I expect has a higher average age than here.
Not many of you are on Facebook are you??!!

Good grief! I certainly hope not!

To 'like' is a far simpler way to agree with the post, rather than quoting it and posting that you agree.

But what am I supposed to make of Mr Cat ‘liking’ the OP then posting something himself that disagrees with it? I assume he was joking when he pressed the ‘like’ button, but how do we know? Do we need ‘sincere like’ and ‘sarky like’ buttons? Or how about (a) extremely like (b) quite extremely like (c) extemely quite like with a few reservations...

There was a great BBC radio sketch I heard recently about Facebook inanity. I wish I could remember which show it was on. All I can remember is a bit that went something like “Keith replies “LOL!” Brian likes this post. Dave has shared a picture of an owl sitting in a pipe.”
There will be a post off to see who wins at the demise of each thread.
It's quite simple to see who will gain most likes, the one that agrees with everyone, the like mind, the borg collective, human nature.

It creates a popularity contest & why it's not my kind of thing.
anything that influences the thought process here is a bad thing in my eyes.

Needs scrapping, sharpish.
The opposite of the like button is the ignore button. quite simple.

I think that’s a bit heavy-handed. I only ‘ignore’ if someone behaves insultingly towards me, not if they disagree with me. I think if we keep the ‘like’ button, it’s only fair we have a ‘dislike’ button as well.
The like button is very Facebooky and introduces an unnecessary element of competition.

Mind you it might be useful in trying to whip up support to separate out the football thread. I am not interested in what Wycombe Wanderers or Celtic are up to. It clutters up arguments about the Premier League.

Good grief! I certainly hope not!

But what am I supposed to make of Mr Cat ‘liking’ the OP then posting something himself that disagrees with it? I assume he was joking when he pressed the ‘like’ button, but how do we know? Do we need ‘sincere like’ and ‘sarky like’ buttons? Or how about (a) extremely like (b) quite extremely like (c) extemely quite like with a few reservations...

There was a great BBC radio sketch I heard recently about Facebook inanity. I wish I could remember which show it was on. All I can remember is a bit that went something like “Keith replies “LOL!” Brian likes this post. Dave has shared a picture of an owl sitting in a pipe.”

where did I disagree with the OP?
I'm ho-hum on the 'Like' button, but I'm really liking this new 'Cat treat' button. Click it and...

where did I disagree with the OP?

You didn’t really. The general tenor of your post was ‘like buttons are good’ and although I was trying to say ‘like buttons are bad’ I circumlocuted and didn’t state that directly. My apologies.

Where are the **** buttons?

Every time I have looked at the thread title today they have come to mind. Are they still in Bristol?
On forum I created 'like' button has been removed. To me is immature, fb like behavior. This also avoids creating conflicts, groups of people supporting themselves by giving likes and fighting against other group who also gives likes to themselves ;)

Yeah but fkuc Wycombe Wanders and Celtic. Liberate the Premier League thread from its 3rd rate hangers on. That is what the like button is for.

