
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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And therein lies one of the problems with those members.

A decent, if short-term, PR boost for Labour before the election. Poulter though is qualified to comment on the NHS (and the Tories) - which will help Labour.
The wrong sort of members?
It was something about his song on the last album about the youth moving on and him being an old man - a bit muddled, looking for excuses and reasoning in the wrong place
Yeah, I admit I haven’t kept up with Billy since the 90’s, but that sounds like he’s joining in with the “class politics is so 20th century” argument.
That's how I saw it. Who was the French loser who wrote something similar in 1968?
I’m surprised that Billy would succumb to that sort of pessimism. Quite extraordinary against a recent backdrop of a wave of British working class, trade-union militancy not seen since the 70’s, not to mention the millions who were drawn to Corbynism.
I want to see Starmer rejecting the assault on the disabled - I guess it will be a long wait...

People with depression or anxiety could lose access to sickness benefits, the work and pensions secretary has said, as part of major welfare changes that have been described as a “full-on assault on disabled people”.

The Tories are using Labour's failure to support the sick and disabled as direct justification

“As to Labour, Labour have nothing to say about welfare. In fact, the only thing they’ve been saying about welfare is that they’re very squeamish about sanctions...,” he replied."

Good article examining and demonstrating how compromising with Parliamentary reformism leads to the sort of intolerable tensions that are tearing apart the Scottish Greens.

“Members were continually told that “it’s better to be in the room, than out. But we were never really in the room, at best we stood silently in the corner, at worst we were outside the door listening”.

“Members were continually told that “it’s better to be in the room, than out. But we were never really in the room, at best we stood silently in the corner, at worst we were outside the door listening”.
They didn't even get a patronising pat on the head...
They didn't even get a patronising pat on the head...
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