
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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Ramsay MacDonald was the illegitimate son of a farm labourer who left the Parish school aged 15 and went on to become Labour PM. The party’s first leader, Keir Hardie left school at seven. They’d be turning in their graves at the sh1t show that Westminster has become.
Though the Party turned on MacDonald as a 'class traitor' when he joined a Coalition government. Plus ca change etc etc.
Tool Makers are probably the highest skilled of the ‘trades’, my father in law was one, can seemingly do anything. Built my son an electric car when he was a kid.
Patel’s probably suggesting emergency legislation to jail striking union leaders. I reckon some of worst in the Tory Party are spoiling for a fight to the death.
Thatcher picked a fight with the miners in order to force through her economic sledge hammer, so very likely they will try something similar again.

The difference now is that the consequences of Thatcherite economics are being felt and people don’t like it. Hopefully the Tory attack on the right of working people to have a fair share of the cake will be met with a different response this time around.
Thatcher picked a fight with the miners in order to force through her economic sledge hammer, so very likely they will try something similar again.

The difference now is that the consequences of Thatcherite economics are being felt and people don’t like it. Hopefully the Tory attack on the right of working people to have a fair share of the cake will be met with a different response this time around.
Yeah. Could be. I'm feeling quite hopeful, feels like the cracks are starting to show again and that people might be ready.
Yeah. Could be. I'm feeling quite hopeful, feels like the cracks are starting to show again and that people might be ready.
Yes, there does seem to be a different feel around at the moment. I think people are justifiably angry at decades of unfairness and now that it is touching so many people, the mood, hopefully, is changing.

Interesting that Mick Lynch seems to be getting a favourable response.
Interesting that Mick Lynch seems to be getting a favourable response.

Mick Lynch: rail union bruiser who’s more than a match for the media

Faced with cliched questions about the strike from journalists and MPs, the RMT boss has been deft, scornful and effective


Undeterred Jenrick said: “We need to encourage those people back. The worst way to do that is by alienating people, going on strike, making their lives much more difficult.”

Lynch’s riposte summed up his case for the strike and his combative approach:

The worst way you could do it is by insisting the fares go up by RPI ripping off the commuters, but you won’t give the workers RPI.

The fares go up by RPI every year. That’s the government regulations.

Last year, profits were made by the train operators – £500m out of that subsidy you gave went to those companies.

First Group and Go Ahead, who we’re negotiating with, are both subject to takeovers from private equity companies.

They’re going to be worth billions because they know you’re going to keep siphoning money from the public purse into private sector operators. Just as you’re doing health, education and care.
Mick Lynch: rail union bruiser who’s more than a match for the media

Faced with cliched questions about the strike from journalists and MPs, the RMT boss has been deft, scornful and effective


Undeterred Jenrick said: “We need to encourage those people back. The worst way to do that is by alienating people, going on strike, making their lives much more difficult.”

Lynch’s riposte summed up his case for the strike and his combative approach:

The worst way you could do it is by insisting the fares go up by RPI ripping off the commuters, but you won’t give the workers RPI.

The fares go up by RPI every year. That’s the government regulations.

Last year, profits were made by the train operators – £500m out of that subsidy you gave went to those companies.

First Group and Go Ahead, who we’re negotiating with, are both subject to takeovers from private equity companies.

They’re going to be worth billions because they know you’re going to keep siphoning money from the public purse into private sector operators. Just as you’re doing health, education and care.
Yes. Good to see him highlighting the underhand privatisation in Health and Education which for some reason does not gain traction in the public conversation. Not sure why not.

Beyond Mick the Magnificent another attack line that I’m surprised has not been used more often, is Johnson’s Levelling Up Agenda. How does Johnson imaging he will can plan for economic growth without workers being part of that plan, and how does he create a high wage economy by suppressing wages?
I think even the Tory press has cottoned on to the inherent contradiction between Boris’s ‘high wage’ economy and his calls for pay restraint. Asking people to accept real-terms wage cuts was never going to go down well, especially when major corporations seem to be doing very nicely. And pointing the finger at Labour will strike (no pun intended) most people as ridiculous when the Tories have been in power for twelve years.
I think even the Tory press has cottoned on to the inherent contradiction between Boris’s ‘high wage’ economy and his calls for pay restraint. Asking people to accept real-terms wage cuts was never going to go down well, especially when major corporations seem to be doing very nicely. And pointing the finger at Labour will strike (no pun intended) most people as ridiculous when the Tories have been in power for twelve years.

Hopefully the penny will eventually drop that the modern post-Brexit Conservative Party serve only the oligarchy who fund them. No one else. They exist to ensure tax breaks and asset-stripping options are available for those prepared pay to get access.

The thing that amazes me is the barefaced arrogance of attacking Labour for being funded by the fees of normal working people via the trade union movement whereas the Tory model is to sell access to the state to the highest bidder at exceptionally dodgy £20k a table black tie party events etc. They sell privatisation, they sell tax loopholes, they sell peerages, they sell access to what we all collectively own and to our basic rights. In any sane country Conservative Party infrastructure be on fire right now. An entirely parasitic filth. A party of gangsters and criminals who in reality are no more democratic or accountable than monarchs or other tyrants.
Hopefully the penny will eventually drop that the modern post-Brexit Conservative Party serve only the oligarchy who fund them. No one else. They exist to ensure tax breaks and asset-stripping options are available for those prepared pay to get access.

The thing that amazes me is the barefaced arrogance of attacking Labour for being funded by the fees of normal working people via the trade union movement whereas the Tory model is to sell access to the state to the highest bidder at exceptionally dodgy £20k a table black tie party events etc. They sell privatisation, they sell tax loopholes, they sell peerages, they sell access to what we all collectively own and to our basic rights. In any sane country Conservative Party infrastructure be on fire right now. An entirely parasitic filth. A party of gangsters and criminals who in reality are no more democratic or accountable than monarchs or other tyrants.

They get away with it because the opposition lead by Keir Starmer would rather keep safe with their voters support than arguing a principal that may put him at risk but a risk which may give him a bigger support at the end (and more importantly support from the politically border liners).
Here lies the problem. Over 100 pages of people mostly slagging off Labour & the Tories do the same. Result is a Tory government, who knew?
A few do get it.

Nothing surprises me anymore, people get what they deserve.
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