
Keith Emerson in concert - a plug

Paul Mc

pfm Member
Stand aside Rick Wakeman, the high priest of the keyboard returns

For those of you that way inclined the king of prog is half way through a UK tour. He plays an hour with his old mates the Nice and an hour of solo and ELP stuff including the complete Tarkus with a bunch of first-rate young musicians.

You can find out more on his website.
Nigel I can honestly say that the Paul McGarry who contributes to the ELP discussion list has a very unhealthy interest in all things related to the those 70s has beens and that I'd stay clear of him if I were you.

He does however have good taste in football clubs. Indeed Blackburn is the epicentre of English progressive rock. The intersection of Blackpool (Ian Anderson), Accrington (Jon Anderson) and Todmorden (Keith Emerson) is Langho a small village outside of Blackburn, where I grew up.

The Lancashire triangle as barry Manilow famously sung about.
I'm enjoying reading your discussion with Martyn. I went to the Liverpool concert too & was surprised to read your comments about the sound quality - I thought the whole event excellent, especially the fantastic bitter from the public house opposite. I spoke to Tom from Noddys Puncture at the gig, I see they are playing Crewe next month. I think it's fair to say Emo has squandered his talents in the last 25 years & the one more classic ELP studio recording we pray for ain't gonna happen. Greg is just a complete disgrace. I love prog but tend to stick with the big six plus Gentle Giant. Not too sure about the latest exponents, Spock's, Flower Kings etc. I'd love to go to Preston on Monday but it could prove difficult. Since we are on a hi-fi forum my best ELP recording from a sound quality perspective would be the debut. Pictures is excellent for a live release, but I think BSS & Works 1 are pretty poor. The music is wonderful though.
Liverpool gig:

Sound was bloody aweful. Far too loud for the hall, and the mix for Keiths keyboards was bad bad bad. Back stage passes made up for this, got to have a good ol' chinwag with the members of the Nice, pitty Dave K didnt pop in for a chat.

Preston gig:

A lot better on the mix, but lots of problems with the keyboard on the top of the Hamond. Other than that amazing.

Manchester gig, the next night:

Best mix of the 3, and the funiest night of the lot. Keith again problems with the same keyboard from the previous night, but had it swapped by Will and Baz.

All in all? Im amazed that after seeing Keith and the chaps 6 times now in 2 years that he keeps getting better and better.

Considering Emerson is now 58, and the big moog must be 30, the duo are certainly worth seeing.

It was also good to see the Karn Evil 9 sequencer back in use at the end of Fanfair! All in all, majorly enjoyable - if you like that sort of Prog Rock :)
Hi Tarkie,

I enjoyed the Preston concert as well - surprised to see it labelled as poor by some of the fans on the ELP disc list. Few keyboard problems but the band seemed relaxed & enjoying themselves. Mighty fine sound as well. You spoke to Keith backstage , tell us some more. I read Paul's review of Manchester & it would appear that it was a fine night indeed.

Where to now, Mr Emerson?
I'd love to hear some Nice new studio recordings.


Had to check your village on the map, nice one. Not too far from the wonderful Forest of Bowland as well!
Title sounds good :)

At the end of the Liverpool gig, my wife and a work collegue huddled at the end of the stage until we were asked by a stagehand "Do you have back stage passes". No! but..... we offered. And after a lot of explanation and sorry eye's - 3 back stage passes appeared. Sorry eyes became BIG smiles.

After about 10 mins in the back room of the Phil, Lee Jackson pop's in for a coffee, which there isnt any! Dressed in a 70's blue parker with fur lines hood he was friendly and gabbed for a bit about the tour, the 100-club do i met him last at, and the Nice touring again. He signed my Emo autobiography over a picture of Keith commenting that it would piss him off - all by accident of course.

Keith appeared about 10 mins after that, looking completed knackard. He had put everything into that concert, and at 58, looked very tired. He was introduced to some people from the organisers or something and he gabbed. Until a beaming scoucer nabbed him walking away and muttered something garbled about signing an autobiography that had previously been mutilated by Lee.

We had a few mins talking about the tour, which he is loving doing, the solo album and the Nice album, and about the 100-club gig. Photo's persude and he gave his excuses and had to 'mingle'.

I took this opportunity to gab with Brian Davidson about the antics of the band during the 60's and Brian insisted he was inocent and pure, not like Lee shagging anything that moved. You'll have to read the book to find the truth.

All in all, a lovely experience, and Emo is a truely nice bloke. Open and funny, and to me the best musician to walk this planet.

My favourite moment of this tour was at Liverpool, where some bloke in the crowd shouts:

"Emo, you might have putta bit of weight on, but yah fingers havent".
I thought the reception of the Liverpool crowd was a bit muted to be honest, unlike at Manchester which really took off.

According to Keith he has a lot of new materila , it's just finding a decent recording deal that's the problem. I also have a sneaking suspicion that he's still waiting for Greg Lake to pick up the 'phone to suggest a new ELP album.
I agree with you about the Liverpool crowd, they were very muted to begin with.

Manchester was certainly more lively than Liverpool, however the bar was full of people who I believe would find it difficult to decide if they sat on their arse or their elbow. Some of the conversations I overheared were amazing.

Of the 3, Manchester was my favourite. Might have had something to do with what the Police Woman did to Will Alexanders arse before the gig :)

