
IXOS Speaker Cable


pfm Member
Does anyone have any knowledge on IXOS6006 Speaker cable. Should I consider replacing it or has anyone used it in the past and replaced it for something better?

my system consists of:-
Linn Sondek LP12, Naim 122X Naim Nap 150X - Naim Flatcap 2X - Naim CD5X -
ProAc Tablette 2000 Speakers
I've used it in the past. A good cable for not much money. However, I always avoided using it with Naim amps - the woven construction made me wonder whether the inductance might be too low for Naims. Frankly, with Naim I'd go for NACA5 - it's always available secondhand for not too much money. Go for about 6-10 metres a side. Shorter lengths can sound a bit thin and shouty. Otherwise Chord Odyssey is a nice alternative - a bit sweeter but softer too, so you win on the straights, but lose on the corners, as it were. But Odyssey is twice the price...
If you want to go the "official" route then by all means go for NACA5 but in sonic terms you'll do no better than Cambridge Audio 400 strand.
Sorry if you were getting all excited about spending lots of money on cables :p

