
How much??!!

Well that’s certainly a boring video (at least the first half that I could be bothered to watch is).

However it’s pretty clear that they are talking about the best LS3/5As they have heard, not the best speakers they have heard – that would clearly be ridiculous!
The limited edition is never or being generous rarely good value for money when you buy it. Whether it becomes a good investment in time is another matter altogether. Some limited editions go for a fortune some years later, others lose value faster than the pound did after Truss became PM.

I've just seen this thread.

I'm helping Doug Stirling wind up his company by selling off his remaining stock, I am doing a lot of unpaid work trying to get it done so don't feel that I am spamming these forums if I mention it :-(

I've been an LS3/5a fan since I worked at BBC Research Department - I bought my first pair with my BBC staff discount - they were the 11ohm version and I have never liked the 15ohm version with it's slower and empahsised bass.

However I soon added subwoofers, first a REL Strata, then an M&K mx70b, then Rogers AB-1s, and currently Stirling AB-2s with some supplementation at the lowest end by the M&K mx70b (soon to be 2 of them). I currently use the Stirling V3 model of LS3/5a (which has a significantly upgraded crossover and modern SEAS drivers) with these and think it is an excellent combination and I won't ever be changing it barring speaker failures (I've got two sets of them...).

Another experienced (US) user said this in an email to me:

"Back when I started in high-end audio, back in about 1976, I used to tout the Rogers LS-3/5A as, "The second-best loudspeaker ever made." I did so because, while no one could agree on "best", nearly everyone picked a pair of LS-3/5As for their 2nd system. Today I find the V3+AB2 combination to be perhaps the most musical speaker I have ever heard. (I still have a pair of original Quad ESLs.)"

I also got to help run the LS3/5a room at the HFN News shows in London in 2001 and 2002 - the room was packed with listeners trying to get in and the visitors book was full of comments saying that it was the best sounding room in the show - we did cheat slightly with our choice of music although I was playing beastie biys and drum and bass as well.

I personally couldn't use the LS3/5 without some form of subwoofer - I've seen reports from a picky user who was very pleased with the SVS 3000 micro sub so if I didn't have the AB-2s that's the one I'd probably go for.

Note that the prices for the Stirling version of the LS3/5a have been significantly lowered, and I have also ensured that there is plenty of stock of spare parts to service warranty and service requests, so checkout the website if you are interested (, also for their SB-88 and LS3/6 speakers. There's some other messages I've posted regarding this in other threads.
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