
How have others kept their music habit alive while also having kids?

It does seem to be the case, in my experience, that women are generally nowhere near as keen on music as we are.... Even those I have known that have professed a keen interest in music have soon showed their true colours by making the TV the priority over the HI FI! :(
And on those occasions when they say they do want to listen to music it always has to be quiet enough to easily talk over it.... which they then proceed to do!
I'll never understand 'em...
Late reply I know, but my daughter is twice the age she was when you posted this, she can definitely be like that at sixteen years old... annoying because we have a main living room, I have a dedicated listening room, she has a system in her room too, as well as good headphones which she uses as she pleases... but she will come into my listening room and start talking (usually about people I don’t know) over my music, or worse, pester me to put the telly on... yeah, I know, TV in a dedicated listening room, I got it for movies, concert videos, YouTube etc...

FWIW, I do spend time with her a lot, but she can disappear as much as she likes when she wants her own space/freedom. I seem to be losing that luxury... it’s why I’m listening now and I’ll do some work this evening.:rolleyes:
My wife noticed the changeover from NAP250 to NAP135s; from another room.

If you are caught bang to rights, whether hifi or in flagrante delicto, always-I repeat always either try to bullshit your way out or turn it over onto the Mrs somehow.
Late reply I know, but my daughter is twice the age she was when you posted this, she can definitely be like that at sixteen years old... annoying because we have a main living room, I have a dedicated listening room, she has a system in her room too, as well as good headphones which she uses as she pleases... but she will come into my listening room and start talking (usually about people I don’t know) over my music, or worse, pester me to put the telly on... yeah, I know, TV in a dedicated listening room, I got it for movies, concert videos, YouTube etc...

FWIW, I do spend time with her a lot, but she can disappear as much as she likes when she wants her own space/freedom. I seem to be losing that luxury... it’s why I’m listening now and I’ll do some work this evening.:rolleyes:

The really worrying bit is that since I posted that "the other week" your daughter has gone from 8 to 16!! OMG:eek:
What's more poignant for me in resurrecting this thread is having read back it was clear that the problem was the missus not the kids. And now the reason I have been able to get back into music listening with a decent set up, is because I'm no longer married. That is both happy and sad at the same time although the greates and most persistent emotion is relief.
Reading back over this has reinforced my notion that open plan living is the death of hi-fi; a bloke needs a den;)

We moved shortly before having kids; the listening room became a part-time dining room but went back to a full time once we did an extension. Other half kept banging on about not having a dining room, the arrival of a kitchen diner did not increase our family mealtimes in any way as everyone eats at different times.

If you keep the hi-fi separate you never seem to get the slow drip of resentment from the other half.
Never posed a problem here apart from keeping the volume to a reasonable level once my daughter was in bed.

She used to love the weekend "singles sessions" when we would play our favorite singles for a couple of hours - most but by all means not all dated from before her birth.

I also took her to classical concerts from an early age and can remember her pestering me into buying tickets for Beethoven's 9th nearly a year in advance after she'd seen an ad att he local community centre where she did dance (or was it judo) classes.

I never showed her how it worked, but I do remember the first time I came home to find she was using the Linn Karik to play some CD of her own.

More recently, no problems with our grand-daughter either apart from the first few months of crawling when anything shiny was an attraction.
Some old threads are worth reviving! Must have missed this one at the time...

The day after (I jest not) our first was born, I went out and bought a pair of Sennheiser HD565 Ovations...

I was using them last weekend.

She's 21 now...
Never posed a problem here apart from keeping the volume to a reasonable level once my daughter was in bed.

She used to love the weekend "singles sessions" when we would play our favorite singles for a couple of hours - most but by all means not all dated from before her birth.

I also took her to classical concerts from an early age and can remember her pestering me into buying tickets for Beethoven's 9th nearly a year in advance after she'd seen an ad att he local community centre where she did dance (or was it judo) classes.

I never showed her how it worked, but I do remember the first time I came home to find she was using the Linn Karik to play some CD of her own.

More recently, no problems with our grand-daughter either apart from the first few months of crawling when anything shiny was an attraction.
I taught my daughter not to touch when she was tiny, and then when she was a little older I taught her how to play a CD or stream (about seven), she was playing DVDs anyway... I had a surplus Classik movie so that went in her room shortly afterwards.

By 10/11 I’d taught her how to handle and play vinyl, no disasters at all and now she has her own vinyl based system and has had for some time... started her with an Aiwa automatic TT and now she has a Rega!
Never had a problem with music, kit and the children. As with linnfomaniac, they knew what not to touch and then as they grew older they could use the cd. Mind you the were more of the social media, streaming off phones ilk. They grew up on a diet of Hawkwind and Porcupine Tree so they were well educated.
I remember walking up the street one night & hearing loud music as I approached the house. My son was playing the latest Arctic Monkeys CD at elevated levels. Dread to think what would happen if he got to mess with my current system which has around 4 times the power!
So pleased this thread has resurfaced - struggling to find time and energy with a 5-month-old, but persevering. Reassuring to read so many similar experiences.
I think the main problem is in houdse. Like when the system is turned on and she enters the room, the atmosphere becomes tense, so I usually turn it off.
I taught my daughter not to touch when she was tiny, and then when she was a little older I taught her how to play a CD or stream (about seven), she was playing DVDs anyway... I had a surplus Classik movie so that went in her room shortly afterwards.

By 10/11 I’d taught her how to handle and play vinyl, no disasters at all and now she has her own vinyl based system and has had for some time... started her with an Aiwa automatic TT and now she has a Rega!
My daughter lives on a very tight budget but a basic Deezer account is part of the "essentials" of that budget. Mostly used via earbuds over phone or tablet.
Her 5 year old daughter stays with us most weeks from Tues evening till Wed late afternoon and I have never had to switch the hi-fi off because of her (unless we sit down together to watch 3-4 cartoons - Oggy or Pink Panther). Although playing with her generally means Roon Radio for background music. She has recently started singing along to the occasional tune :)
My daughter lives on a very tight budget but a basic Deezer account is part of the "essentials" of that budget. Mostly used via earbuds over phone or tablet.
Her 5 year old daughter stays with us most weeks from Tues evening till Wed late afternoon and I have never had to switch the hi-fi off because of her (unless we sit down together to watch 3-4 cartoons - Oggy or Pink Panther). Although playing with her generally means Roon Radio for background music. She has recently started singing along to the occasional tune :)
With young children, playing and engaging with them is more important than music anyway. I’m obviously more limited right now because I’m having to shield (just had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine so hopefully can relax soon), but I usually help with childcare duties for my nieces and nephews and respite care for my autistic nephew (I’m an autism support worker), I still have some music on but I get just as much joy, or more from playing with them or watching a movie with them. They’re also all pretty good around my kit... I had one big oopsie about 18 months ago, I was supervising two of my sisters children in the hot tub whilst the youngest went in the house on his own to use the toilet... he was gone a little while so I popped in to check on him, he was in my listening room... later on I realise that my Rega Apheta was mangled! Sh!t happens, it was only a cartridge, nobody hurt.
Some old threads are worth reviving! Must have missed this one at the time...

The day after (I jest not) our first was born, I went out and bought a pair of Sennheiser HD565 Ovations...

I was using them last weekend.

She's 21 now...

Haha! I resemble that remark.

I bought a pair of HD565 Ovations for sim reasons, when Jess was about 4 1/2 ( and because my old pair of Beyers - 531? something like that - had given-up.)

By the age of six, she'd already discovered my end of the albums shelf, via those headphones, and at that age - The Breeder's Last Splash and Primal Scream Screamadelica was her favourites, utterly of her own choosing, playing on her own (Lis tried very hard at scowling hinting my influence there, while utterly-failing to suppress a smile.)

And time passes, and coming home to find your nascent Uni student has come by for some 'quiet study' time but not least to raid & play dad's albums, loud enough to be rocking the block* - an utter joy.

Jess is now 27; The Breeder's Last Splash and Primal Scream Screamadelica remain right up there for her... and I still have & enjoy the Senns.

All is good.

* well I couldn't not take the pic...
Haha! I resemble that remark.

I bought a pair of HD565 Ovations for sim reasons, when Jess was about 4 1/2.
By the age of six, she'd already discovered my end of the albums shelf, via those headphones, and at that age - The Breeder's Last Splash and Primal Scream Screamadelica was her favourites (Lis tried hard at scowling at my influence there, while utterly-failing to suppress a smile.)

And time passes, and coming home to find your nascent Uni student has come by for some 'quiet study' time but not least to raid & play dad's albums, loud enough to be rocking the block* - an utter joy.

Jess is now 27; The Breeder's Last Splash and Primal Scream Screamadelica remain right up there for her... and I still have & enjoy the Senns.

All is good.

* well I couldn't not take the pic...
Loving the wall behind her, I’m looking at doing something similar here, tv fixed to the wall (at approximately the same height, custom made wooden diffuser surrounding it and joining to those IKEA CD shelves either side... need to get on with it because I have hundreds of CDs requiring proper storage.

It's just a stack of Ikea benno CD towers - several more than appear in the pic above...
Yep, that’s exactly what I’m looking at using, taking down the existing shelves on the left and relocating them, then filling both alcoves with them. The boxes on the left are full of CDs, I have IKEA Kallax boxes full of them too. I’d like to have them all properly indexed and accessible.
Looking back over my history and just re-read this response from eight years ago. You were almost bang on! How funny.

Ha!, I read the thread from the start and now see the reference from your recent thread bout finally getting a hifi system set up for listening pleasure after years spent wandering the aurally challenged wilderness. I noticed the quote bout “6 or 7 years” and noted how prescient it was.

Shame it had to come to such a conclusion to enable you to indulge once again but from what you wrote the relationship sounded quite toxic from the off, anyway....hope the kids are ok and a semblance of civility is returning to your life.

And......fwiw, I woulda kept the room as it was and either got an “expert” in to sweep the room and recommend possible treatments/let you demo items for a final choice - probably cost you the equivalent of a decent cable ;) £5k for professional advice as they’d probably build activated carbon helmholtz tuned traps and artistically functional diffusers or I’d do what i did and go cheap GIK.

Your speakers set up where they are in front of the bay window gives me an itch in my ear o_O, you have created a giant glass horn on what is purportedly the front wall that will amplify all that you don’t wish to hear towards you whilst being a few milliseconds out of time. I’ve no idea of your system cost but I bet it was north of £10/15k easy and I imagine the sound pressure in that room builds up logarithmically with volume, spend a few £ on treating the room so that fantastic looking hand engineered and built system has a room that can do it justice.

Go know you want to, you’re single, live alone and can do whatever the feck you like :D

