


I am very proud to have been awarded UK distributorship for Rick Schultz's incredible line of High Fidelity cables.

Many will remember Rick from his excellent work as designer at Virtual Dynamics. With High Fidelity Cables and his new pateneted magnetic conduction technology he has pushed the boundaries further and the beautifully crafted CT-1 line of interconnects have been making great waves across the pond, in Europe and Asia.

I personally have a strong dislike of wires and system 'dressing' but friend and global distributor for Allnic Audio David Beetles urged me to take a very close look. I was very sceptical, especially reading so many of the shining reviews and many of the very dramatic conclusions, summations and statements made about the product. When you mention cables to most folk you get lots of sighs and sucked air through teeth so I have always felt that any brand I ever invested in would have to make an irrefutable and dramatic improvement and at a real world pricing too. Since sampling the CT-1 with my own ears though I am completely convinced and it does just that. It's improvement is not merely a subjective 'seasoning' or 'EQ change' which some might prefer but rather, a very obvious lifting of the system performance in line with the fundamental characteristics that we all strive to achieve. I'ts biggest trump card is probably the way in which it greatly improves the clarity, timing, coherency of the music and removes blur and noise from leading edges, all whilst making the overall sound more natural that it was before. It also does not do this at the expense of soundstage, depth, timbre and texture either but rather improves those aspects too. At the projected UK prices these cables will be very good value when compared back not only to so many other mediocre cables but actual box upgrades too.

The CT-1 I have trialled has already comprehensively outperformed a number of highly regarded and popular interconnects such as CHORD Sarum and CARDAS Golden Reference. I have also found that the way in which it can elevate a system is just as pertinent, if not more so, in a Linn/Naim rig as it is in more 'round earth' setups whether they be valve or solid state.

The CT-1, CT-1 Enhanced and CT-1 Ultimate will be available for home loan in just the next few weeks. The speaker cable, tonearm cable and digital IC will follow. I will be conducting an extensive tour of UK dealers as well to showcase this new and exciting range of products. If you are a believer or sceptic this is an easy item to try yourself and just £5 to post to you; you have nothing to lose. So far though in other markets the hit rate is around 9 out of 10 for home demos and Rick's new company has grown exponentially over the past 18 months.


"To my ears, in my system, the CT-1s are the first cables to have improved the quality of reproduced sound to the degree audiophiles associate with upgrading active components and speakers, where $1600 is not considered an unusual investment. "

"every once in awhile, along comes a cable that is no less than breathtaking, and my reaction is a modified wow, and this is that w-o-w!"

"It has been years since I thought interconnects made a really big improvement in my system. Yes, many have made changes that I would say refined the sound of my system; I thought the cables I had were so good that only small improvements would come from a change. I was wrong. I want to say it again, these cables eliminate noise that I had previously assumed was part of recorded music."

"these cables remove noise, sibilants, and splashy sounding strings and female vocals that I just thought was part of listening to recorded music."

"I cannot deny that the new High Fidelity Cables do something that others I have tried do not, they simply enable my system to reproduce music as well as I’ve ever heard in my room."

"I am keeping the review samples and will probably add phono, digital, and another set of interconnects later. I would strongly urge you to give them a listen"

"I have been in the high-end Audio business for the past forty years. I have seen a lot of things come and go and heard of incredible hype about products. The unfortunate part is that most of the products you hear so much about are just hype. And than there are the cables that you sent me. These are the finest cables that I have ever heard. I have never heard another cable for the initial listen to be as open and transparent as yours. The cables have a remarkable ability to focus and layer the sound stage and never be offensive to listen to. "
Audiogon user comments
Report vs. Chord Sarum Lotus Hifi
Review from Mono and Stereo CT-1
Review from Bruce Kinch CT-1
Review from Harry Pearson CT-1
Review from Jack Roberts CT-1
Review from Patrick Dillion CT-1
Review from Norm Luttbeg CT-1 Ultimate
Review from Jack Roberts CT-1 Ultimate
Review from Jack Roberts CT-1Enhanced
Review from Norm Luttbeg CT-1Enhanced
Another great review for the CT-1:

"I noticed a thread on a popular audio forum whose subject was the High Fidelity Cables CT-1. The thread generated over 200 responses. As I read the posts, I noticed unanimous praise for the aforementioned cable products. At the time, Audiophilia had no plans for me to review another cable. However, the comments I read, piqued my interest.

...... the change in the sound of my stereo system accruing from introducing the ct-1 cables was the equal or greater, than replacing an amp, preamp or cd player."

"I have been in the high-end Audio business for the past forty years. I have seen a lot of things come and go and heard of incredible hype about products. The unfortunate part is that most of the products you hear so much about are just hype. And than there are the cables that you sent me."

"The clarity and sound is so natural. The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible."

"Yep, the CT-1 interconnects are really unbelievable, it's like listening to the master recording, nothing between the source and speakers."

"I have about 30hrs. on them now and they just keep getting better. Picture a 3D movie that`s how the musicians are set up.there is so much space around them. "

"Like what has already been mentioned about, the cables had a very open sound with more clarity then other cables I compared them to. Open does not mean bright or harsh sounding, they were just more open. "

"I am blowin clean into the weeds with this level of resolution and natural see through ability. This cable has a neutrality that is mind boggling, giving you a high end cleanliness that others dream of! Superlatives are just the beginning of this musical monster that emerges out of ones system."

"These interconnect cables are truly off the charts. An astounding clarity and detail but yet non fatiguing."

"I have had the CT-1s and now the CT-1E for a few months and they are the REAL DEAL...will be getting the speaker cables soon..Rick really has something with his new cables.."

"I have been listening to CT 1 speaker cables and CT 1E interconnects in my system for close to 2 weeks and am Absolutely Amazed that these cables could so dramatically improve the sound in every aspect. All the outlandish claims are TRUE!!!"

"I have been listening to the CT-1's for 2 weeks now, and have to agree with all the accolades that others have mentioned! These cables will change the wire industry"

"I think that the new cable has an ability to define all the aspects of a recording.Giving new details while holding the fabric of the music totally in tact.Resolution is so transparent that you realise that you are hearing things that had been previously blocked but are now clear in a recording."

"The CT-1 is uber detailed, highly resolved and has amazing clarity - but at the same time it sounds smooth and non-digital."

"OK, I've had the CT-1 for almost a week now, and I have to say, it's almost like there is some sort of chicanery going on with this product! How can a cable be so far superior to other(fairly expensive) cables? How could it be that, after 40 or 50 years of R&D in the cable "industry", nobody has come up with a reasonably priced cable that approaches this?"

"My concern about a possible "hifi effect" is moot, the sound character is as natural as one could desire.Very alive,organic and vibrant.I don`t think it`s hyperbole to say this is a profound product."

"I have now had the CT-1 Ultimate ics for about a month between my CD player and preamp. The transparency and realism is amazing. They are apparently just starting to seriously break in at about 200 hours. I am hearing both a wider and deeper soundstage as well as more details than with the Enhanced version CT-1. Bass has tightened up and gotten quicker. There is an increased "ease" to the music that wasn't quite there before, as the noise floor has gotten noticeably lower. Separation/imaging,especially between voices, has also improved. I am also starting to catch low-level details I have not heard before, especially environmental cues - chairs and microphones moving, etc."
HFC don't really need another review but here we go in any case

Six Moons Review - High Fidelity Cables CT1 & CT1-E

"The pricing of High Fidelity Cables places them beyond reach of the many but presented a true pain of a different sort when I saw them leave. In my mind they remain a personal reference for accuracy and pure listening pleasure .... They were the best cables I have heard thus far. They provide such openness that it was quite difficult to go back to other wires. Another reviewer wrote a while back that it would be better not to try these if you cannot afford them. I agree wholeheartedly.
The CT1-Ultimate Tonearm interconnect is now here.

Rick started these new products with the Tonearm cable. It's no wonder as the signal is so small and precious here. What this thing does is quite staggering. Expensive yes, but then when you can't really upgrade the turntable, arm and cart much further and have found a combination you love, this will take it many steps further. On my Beat/Talea, the CT1u phono into an H1500 phonostage sounds like a regular toenarm cable into a £23,000 H500 DHT phonostage !

The tonearm cable does of course come in far cheaper standard and enhanced guises. With a straight Din plug, SME owners might be particularly interested as its a very simple swap out.


Alan Sircom borrowed the CT1 and CT1-E interconnects and like everyone else was massively impressed. £10k+ performance at £2k. Review in HiFi+ due out early spring.

An official Wigwam review will also be published soon of the CT1-E, CT1-U and the top of the line CT1-UR Ultimate Reference cable.
Dagogo's jack robert's recent grading

a bit of fun but interenesting nonetheless:

100% – CT-1 Ultimate Reference

75% - CT-1 Ultimate

60% - CT-1 Enhanced

50% - CT-1

40% - Teresonic Silver Speaker wires with Gold Interconects, Shindo Silver cables

35% - Audience AU24 SEs, Auditorium 23 cables, Sablon Panatelas, Teresonic copper cables

0 to 29% – most high end cables
from strength to strength

Rick's CT-1 Ultimate speaker cables

from £5500

Free carry on suitcase which you can use on your next hols in Spain !




