
Hegel 360 and other oomph-y integrateds

Exactly, it's totally capable of driving Shahinian Obelisks and possibly has both the best DAC and the most complete phonostge that I have ever heard. At <£700 delivered It's completely game changing, even at 5x the cost it's well worth the money.

Did you pay any import charges on top of the shipping when importing the amp from Canada?
At this rate I think I'll also push the button and take a Hegel 360 for a test drive. The combination of an SME 20/3, DV TKR, Vida, Hegel 360 and Compact 7s in a big room has some appeal.

Hi Tim

In my experience the H360's XLR input gives the best performance for analogue sources :)

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
If gain structure on the phono side is the issue, I wouldn't think a Vida is the answer as, from what I remember, it has fairly low gain. I'd love one myself mind.

What is your MC ouput and your phono stage gain? Probably a good idea to do the sums before you buy a 360W amp and find your records are still sounding a bit thin!

The DV TKR is pretty low output - around 25mV, if I remember right. But the Vida has 64db on MC. That's pretty good, and compares to the high fifties or so on the Clearaudio. Perhaps that not a vast difference in theory, but having got the Vida going for the first time this evening, it does have an effect. I've at least been able to drop half an hour or so on the Nait XS volume knob.

More generally, the Vida is a stonkingly good stage and seems to be getting on extremely well with the SME and the TKR. :).

My instinct to just-get-more-power in is really a symptom of moving from a small, low-ceilinged listening room to one perhaps three times the size with a 50% higher ceiling. Small rooms can be a bit of a luxury. You don't get scale in some ways, but you can get impressive results with pretty modest kit.
Perhaps, but if the right connections just aren't on the back, there's no way of knowing. Whatever, the Vida (along with the SME) is my personal product of the year. I've had three hours with it now, and no inkling that the Slits had such a good engineer when they recorded 'Cut'....
I know, fair point. I'm not expecting to drop from 11 o'clock on the dial to 8. I'm just looking for a bit of extra reserve for those crescendo moments...

In fairness, part of my problem has less to do with power amp section output, and more to do with pre-gain structure. I use pretty low output MC carts into external MC stages. Having prioritised vinyl, part of my perceived problem may well be helped by new a phono stage (an Aurorasound Vida) with slightly more gain than my usual stage (Clearaudio Balance).

At this rate I think I'll also push the button and take a Hegel 360 for a test drive. The combination of an SME 20/3, DV TKR, Vida, Hegel 360 and Compact 7s in a big room has some appeal.

x2, However anything with that front end would sound good l should imagine........:cool:
With a room of your size, I think you would be better putting your money in to a pair of SHL5 Plus before you go for an amp big enough for stadiums. I've had all the Harbeth range apart from the M40 and the SHL5 Plus are definitely the best, and much more neutral and controlled than the previous SHL5 iteration.

