
Headphone Advice


pfm Member
Despite having owned a lot of very expensive kit over the years I have never really ventured seriously into the world of headphones.

I have owned a few decent pairs of Sennheiser cans (all of which I was impressed by in different ways) yet very little else.

I am about to move to a smaller house and there will be times when my Kudos Titans will have to be turned down in favour of headphones.

I will be using them mainly with my Naim Dac V1 which is a fabulous headphone amp.

I am interested in both hard-wired and wired headphones (but not in-ear types) and would very much appreciate some advice from fellow fishies.

Initial budget - up to about 400 GBP (and I am happy to listen to cheaper if they are good)
I initially used a DACV1 with HD600's and it really didn't do it for me. I think it is the headphone amp that is poor (or just underpowered), a Lehmann linear with Chromecast Audio was far more enjoyable!

The 600's can sound very ploddy and bloated with the wrong amp. The Heed Canamp is another I've used with great success and is considerably cheaper.
The headphone market has massively exploded over the last few years (I wonder if this is in line with the current increase in flat dwelling). There are now a vast number of high quality headphones to choose from and even specialist dealers selling only that. Also, if you go to any hi-fi show there a headphone area (a very extensive one in some cases) where you can listen to loads of different makes and models. Some of my own favourites have been the Audeze range - the LCD-2 are really excellent.

Oh, I wouldn't buy cordless.
you really cant go wrong with 580/600/650 and a decent headamp/dac headamp
my best combo was a 650 and a woo WA2

Had 800's which were thin sounding and I never found an amp that worked with them.

I just bought an Audeze LCD-3F and an april music Eximus DP1 headamp/dac

I just sold the LCD-3's and will cast around for something else in that league. not keen on their presentation...
Despite having owned a lot of very expensive kit over the years I have never really ventured seriously into the world of headphones.

I have owned a few decent pairs of Sennheiser cans (all of which I was impressed by in different ways) yet very little else.

I am about to move to a smaller house and there will be times when my Kudos Titans will have to be turned down in favour of headphones.

I will be using them mainly with my Naim Dac V1 which is a fabulous headphone amp.

I am interested in both hard-wired and wired headphones (but not in-ear types) and would very much appreciate some advice from fellow fishies.

Initial budget - up to about 400 GBP (and I am happy to listen to cheaper if they are good)
I would suggest buying this little ten grand improvement prior to any listening ;)

Come on, how I could I resist such a dangling carrot :D

BTW, it will be the best £8 you have or will ever spend on your hifi.
I use HD700's ( which are well priced at the moment) with AP10H. They are very comfortable, detailed and I am more than happy to listen over extended periods.
I use AKG Q 701's with my Naim Superuniti and they sound sublime and can be found for silly money. Highly recommended.

I'd recommend giving B O beoplay H6 a listen. Gen1 or Gen2. Gen2 have more bass if that's your taste.
I'd recommend giving B O beoplay H6 a listen. Gen1 or Gen2. Gen2 have more bass if that's your taste.

I keep reading very good reports about these headphones. They're a headphone I wish to try, only on the back of so many people claiming how good they are. 2nd Gen by the sounds of it.

I've had a fair few pairs myself but found myself very happy with a cheap pair of HD25, and a few not so cheap IEMs by Noble Audio. I had the HD650 many years ago but they sounded very veiled with a MDAC and Benchmark DAC1 that I had at the time. Amp is key, shame I parted with them although they can be bought for £250 new which is a steal. I'd like to hear them with more juice, Mojo/Hugo TT. They were very comfy, perhaps the best i've experienced with headphones.

Woo Audio have been on my wish list for quite some time. The WA7/8 look lovely for a desktop rig but i've become more and more reluctant after finding what I consider to be great synergy with the combo's I have at my mercy.

