
Eversolo DMP A6 ME & Fidelity Audio Signature LPS


pfm Member

A while ago I posted if anyone had any experience with Fidelity Audio, well I decided to take the plunge and sent Brent my Eversolo unit to design a power supply around. I ended up purchasing his signature power supply at £1K.

I did think is this OTT but thought I could always use it on a future piece of equipment. I was also persuaded by reports saying that the Eversolo is close to the Lumin U2 mini as a digital transport so I thought that this would close the gap / surpass it. I looked into Sean Jacobs DC3, but this was working out between £1350 - £2K, depending on which regulators etc. This was too much for me, and as a side note as a consumer there is no way to differentiate the performance of a £300 unit vs £5k one as no one publishes any test data.

The power supply only powers the positive rail, so everything works except the opp amps which use the negative voltage for the analogue output. The unit is rated at 3A, where the Eversolo only requires 2000mA (2A) , 250ma on the negative rail. I think in use it draws a lot less than that.

He does offer various levels of power supplies, including ones of + & - voltages for full functionality, but these designs are not his "best". As I'm using the Eversolo unit as a digital transport into my Naim DAC, I am only interested in the digital output.

Brent recommends allowing 600 hours for the unit to break-in, but here are my impressions after a day. When I added a CHC XPS to my Naim DAC, everything had a lift up in performance as if the performance window size had increased by say 75%+.

Before adding the LPS, I would have described the sound as transparent, clean, lean with a slight coldness / hard edge to the high end frequencies. Well if adding the XPS is the equivalent of increasing the window size, I'd say the Signature unit is like removing the grease from the window and giving them a good clean.

The most noticeable change is an significant increase in transparency. Now it is far more easier to hear the depth of recordings, easily hearing and following the different layers to the music. Reverberation and delays now stand out, it really does feel like everything has been cleaned up, you can sense the tightness of bass drums or what the sound of the room the orchestra was in, sounds like. Bass has more definition and punch. The hard edge to the sound has gone, with the overall sound being more refined, with everything in its place.

At the moment I'm very happy, it really has transformed the unit. I'll give an update in a month so,
Once the unit has settled down.
Ha, that does seem OTT but since when has this hobby ever been a rational one? :D

Your findings are similar to mine when moving up the streaming ladder and/or improving PS. It's like - er, what's it like? - it's like looking through binoculars and slowing adjusting the focus, things get clearer, cleaner, more realistic/natural. Or something.
Eh, you’ve added a LPSU that renders the internal DAC of the A6 useless.

Theres a company that makes a LPSU for the A6 you can fit yourself that won’t hobble the features.
Well I'm not using the internal dac.... And your assuming all LPS perform the same, I'm hoping this one is of a higher quality / performance.

Those internal LPS don't provide enough power to run the full unit. You have to limit the screen brightness and I'm not sure they would run the memory card it takes... They might fit in the case but they are limited.
Well I'm not using the internal dac.... And your assuming all LPS perform the same, I'm hoping this one is of a higher quality / performance.

Those internal LPS don't provide enough power to run the full unit. You have to limit the screen brightness and I'm not sure they would run the memory card it takes... They might fit in the case but they are limited.
I have the Beatechnik fitted. If you have higher brightness on the display and around the volume control it will run hotter. I can hear from how it improved the sound that it is delivering more current to the digital and analogue sections.
Well I'm not using the internal dac.... And your assuming all LPS perform the same, I'm hoping this one is of a higher quality / performance.

Those internal LPS don't provide enough power to run the full unit. You have to limit the screen brightness and I'm not sure they would run the memory card it takes... They might fit in the case but they are limited.

Well at least beatechnik publish measurements and a good description of the parts they use. I’d hazard the performance of their £280 supply is very very close to that £1000 one, if not better as any company that says “inky blacks” can get in the sea.

Limited? your one won’t even run the opamp for the DAC so good luck selling that on if you choose to.
Well at least beatechnik publish measurements and a good description of the parts they use. I’d hazard the performance of their £280 supply is very very close to that £1000 one, if not better as any company that says “inky blacks” can get in the sea.

Limited? your one won’t even run the opamp for the DAC so good luck selling that on if you choose to.
I'll just put the original power supply back in! and use the power supply for another piece of equipment.
There’s a lot of posts on the Evesolo forum about the 3rd party power supplies, most people who have gone that route are very happy. Unfortunately, there’s someone over there who keeps barracking anyone who likes to tinker. Disabling the analogue outputs would not be my choice.

Sean’s power supplies are really good, I even had a DC3 powering some Amptastic mini-1’s, that was a really good combo. No experience with Fidelity Audio, though. I must admit that CHC prices make me gulp, these days.
It does seem overkill, especially when you can buy the Beatechnik and another LPS from Poland even cheaper. If you are happy with the outlay and continue to use an external dac with the A6 all is good, keep enjoying it.
I've purchased an A8 which at the moment I'm still under 30hrs, but will be comparing the internal dac vs my Soekris. I won't be doing the same for the streamer section since these units will be used in different systems.
I was looking for another dac to play with, when I bought the A6, it’s led to me listening to more music, and a re-evaluation of my system.

An A8 may be just perfect for me, but it’s not yet Roon Ready, although it can be used with Roon via airplay.

Anyway @sometimesuk has spent £1K over the price of the A6 ME, which is A8 money. The A8, IIRC, already has a linear supply in it, presumably for the analogue section, would make an elegant solution for a compact A/V system.
I was looking for another dac to play with, when I bought the A6, it’s led to me listening to more music, and a re-evaluation of my system.

An A8 may be just perfect for me, but it’s not yet Roon Ready, although it can be used with Roon via airplay.

Anyway @sometimesuk has spent £1K over the price of the A6 ME, which is A8 money. The A8, IIRC, already has a linear supply in it, presumably for the analogue section, would make an elegant solution for a compact A/V system.
I guess the exact solution does depend on the individual system.
The A8 has both a LPS, powering the analogue output and a SMPS for the digital side.

For myself, I'm using the SPDIF output, so the better clocks in the A6 ME are beneficial to me, they are the same used in the A8. So from my point of view as a digital transport, I've got the equivalent of an A8 on steroids.

What I don't know is whether an A8 would sound better than than my Naim DAC and XPS combo, say a £5-£6k comb of yesteryear, possibly but my gut says no.
I put the polish one in my A6 (only£157) any I got similar results to the op but the coldness remained and while it dissected the music and did all the hifi stufff I could not engage with it. It didn’t make music, the Lumin d2 I bought royally trounces it.
What I don't know is whether an A8 would sound better than than my Naim DAC and XPS combo, say a £5-£6k comb of yesteryear, possibly but my gut says no.
Well, I can understand that. you can only try it and see.

I once lived in a naim centric world, but gave it up some 10+ years ago, and from where I've come from and where I am now, I would fully expect the Eversolo A8 to, err, blow the doors off the naim combo.
But why not buy the A8 in the first place then?
I don't think it was out at the time.
Also need to consider that these recent changes started with a spur of the moment decision to buy a used A6 ME and to scratch an upgrade itch.

My original ideal position would be a Lumin U2 mini, but I didn't have the funds and the large one off outlay was just viewed as a bit too much of a risk.... Got me looking at options of selling everything and having a streaming dac, Preamp type product, but that's a bigger risk jump again and I wasn't convinced it would actually result in a better sound.

I then started looking at LPS and this caused another itch from my experience with the XPS. I wasn't convinced that the integrated options are of the same quality / standard but ended up taking a leap and going for something decent, but not crazy money... You can easily spend £4k on a LPS.
Ah, the usual audiophilia nervosa syndrome (ANS) most of us know so well (me included). ;)

For myself I could easily see an A8 driving a pair of SCM100/150ASL's as a sweet simple system that covers most bases. If I had the money and space.
But why not buy the A8 in the first place then?
Well, I might have, but I was originally looking for a dac upgrade, when I say a dac with a roon bridge logo, and from there I stretched my original budget to 860€. I have two systems, and I am now selling of stuff so I can, maybe, have the A8 in one system and the A6 in the other.

