
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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BTW, fishies, this is the non-Dawkinsian Trek slap meme you're looking for.


It's also an image of any person earning less than 150k UKP voting Tory.

Done the deed. Small village, only one other voter in the building (apart from Mrs J).
Had to go for the tactical option, rather than my original plan.
Hoping (somehow) for some sort of 'mess' that may lead to Ref 2, but my conscience is clear.
@rich Usually he resigns. But probably not Boris. Constitutionally, the party leader does not have to be an MP. I’m guessing there’d be a very hasty by-election.
Difference being Laura is the chief political editor of the BBC and is meant to show impartiality.
I don’t know who Laura Jayes is, and I don’t understand Twitter, but it looks to me at first glance as if she is a Sky reporter. May be wrong of course. If she is, shouldn’t she be bound by the rules too?

If I were a Labour activist I’d be furious.
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