
'Downgrading' - a step back - is it possible?

You can downgrade in price without downgrading in sound quality. Given that the OP has Naim and B&W I doubt he will have a problem getting a better sound for less. If I was going to keep one component it would be the CDX.
...get something less fancy but equally as enjoyable.

...Then downgrading to smaller old school speakers that i'll just leave on the floor somewhere...

Entirely possible to achieve a good sound (maybe better) for less.

But not by thinking about your speakers like that.

Speakers, speaker positioning and room interaction (possibly including some room treatment) will be key to your success.
Lewis - re streamer, look at used Squeezebox Touches.

I've a Soundlink Mini too and love it. Surprisingly big sound given the size of the thing and perfect for holidays.

I've always loved ES11's, owned them twice before. They work brilliantly with an OA21 which I still think it one of the nicest looking integrated amps ever made.
I went from a Naim (olive) active system based on CDS/52/250s/SBLs to a CDX2/SN/HC + Kudos C2s. 8 boxes to 3. I prefer the latter as it is less 'in your face', more musical, less temperamental and is just as detailed. Looses out slightly on overall grip/control but I can live with that.
Simple but beautiful system:

UnitiQute2 (the digital Nait2) into Guru Juniors. This is fed by a Mac Mini (via uPnP). I also have a Rega Apollo -R for the occasional CD spinning (the rest of the family generally uses this) and Rega RP6 for the black stuff. I could not be happier.

[Previous 202/200/HiCap/NAPSC/CDX2/Neat Motive 2 then SuperUniti]

Enjoy the search.....

I think if you are going to "downgrade" and be happy then you need to get something that has a benefit. Either go the streamer route and remove the CD and record clutter from your lounge, or get a smaller system with a smaller footprint, or go for a lifestyle system with better domestic acceptability and WAF.
Thanks gents. Lots Of food for thought there :)

I am a techno virgin when it comes to dab streamers lossless files and all that jazz. Will need to read up on it first.

Looked at the guru speakers before but they are mega dosh. I love the b&w's but something smaller for the new house would be good. I love spendor sp2's but they are also expensive. As are harbeth. I am cursed with fine taste! :D
I run my CD player using the Aux input of my Nait 2 CB.
The only issue is that you won't have much range with your volume control and may want to introduce some attenuation.

