
Digital source for Dynavector/Shahinian

Mmmm. Wouldn't.

Case is pretty, but too small/hot. Don't like PCIe cards on risers. AC inlet way too close to signal path. Power supply borked. No room for filters on drives.

The case and SoTM card are by far the most expensive parts of the system, but if you took the basic T1 (which uses the linear PSU the poster was planning to add, and a similar DC-DC switcher), and upgraded to the bigger and more versatile Streacom FC9 case that doesn't need the riser, and has room for a proper PSU, the total kit cost would be about £650 without the USB card, but including optimised Windows OS and linear PSU.

FC9 comes in silver or black, and is similar to the Plex. The Streacom works out a bit cheaper. Funnily enough, after we announced our second generation recipe in the Streacom case, it pops up as the 'CAPS'. It's not a Server, and you can't Pocket it.
Sadly, you're distancing yourself from the truth, item. You are banned from the wam, you just use another identity now in open breach of the aup.

Not, I don't post much in response to you at all these days, item, because most see the truth of what you are. in this case I was responding to someone else, so you can give the paranoia a rest. However, it would be nice if you would give your open sales pitches a break. There is an area for them, you know. This one is meant to be audio discussion, not a trade area. The difference doesńt escape you, you choose too ignore it, as members other than I have pointed out.
Sadly, you're distancing yourself from the truth, item. You are banned from the wam, you just use another identity now in open breach of the aup.

Not that Wigwam's AUP belongs anywhere near this thread, but I guess there was egg-on-face re: taking Coconut Audio seriously.

You're technically right, I guess: I have been banned for shilling . . . a product that doesn't exist. By an admin whose foo-filters (also!) got a bit scrambled momentarily.

Here's the page we linked to from the old site that earned our ban:
Is it real, or is it jojoba?
Haha specifically the Dolphin Ear Upgrade ! Fair play like it..

As Coconut Audio's European Distributator, we've sold a shedload of those. Mainly to dolphins. The Daily Mash article re: audiophile grooming was funny, but few things afford quite as much entertainment as Patrick's Coconut antics which serve a valuable role in sharpening folk's foo filters.

More tragi-comic is the reaction of those who mistake Coconut gear as authentic: highlighting not only the number of shysters out there muddying the waters and the ensuing difficulty of sifting the wheat from the chaff (unmix that), but also the troubling trend for scanning instead of reading, leading to snap judgments made on the basis of insufficient information. Lots of data out there, not so much comprehension. ^
And that's it. Tell a lie: I lapsed my PFM trade subscription for a few months during our refurb. No bans for shilling. Unless you count the Coconut incident. We could rejoin any of those forums overnight (apart from CA, obviously) if we just gave them money. I wouldn't on principle.

Please don't forget the total communication blackout with customers for months during your "refurb". Telephones not answered, emails not replied to.

This must have been some refurb.

I am in business myself. I have moved office, house, had children, got divorced, had motorcycle accidents, been on holiday, etc etc and throughout all of this, every phone call was answered, every email replied to - either by me, or by another person with contingency plans in place.

To simply ignore people for period of time and then to justify it as you were doing a "refurb" is hysterically embarrassing!
Off air from pfm for more than a few months, more like six. That's not a refurb, it's time to construct a complete new building!
Please don't forget the total communication blackout with customers for months during your "refurb". Telephones not answered, emails not replied to.

Whoa there tiger! Telephones were very much answered. Literally thousands of emails have been sent over the past six months. We've also been pretty quick to apologise to anyone who got served a bit slower than usual.

That's why we canned the forum debate for a spell: needed to concentrate on business. To whomever hides behind the badger avatar: sorry again if you were left dangling. Contrary to avole's rumour-mongering, my little company is built around giving people personal attention. Personally, I spend at least four hours a day talking to customers on the 'phone, so both lines can be hard to reach - even on a good day.
The person behind the badger avatar, tried to call you many times and sent many emails over a long time period. None were responded to.
I also contacted manufacturers you represent and they said the same thing - you didn't reply to them either. You didn't reply to Tony on PFM.
The list goes on.
You think it is ok to just disappear for months, and then reappear and everything is ok and forgiven - and then you have the nerve to start plugging your wares on a user forum!
Buyer beware................
That's all very vague: who are you, really, and which manufacturers, specifically, did you contact? Where's this list?

The reason I'm taking this seriously is that a UK dealer attempt to poach business deliberately misinformed a manufacturer we represent that we had been declared bankrupt. We're still working to undo the damage that little bit of arson caused. That's the kind of gutter-level audio industry tactic you should be complaining about, avole!

I didn't reply to Tony - granted - because, as I said, with two premises to move, gut and refurbish - and also a completely new website to develop - simultaneously - the forum wasn't a priority. Not every plate was kept spinning, but very, very few customers were short-changed for my attention: again, apologies if you were one.

Let's not fence: I'm being completely up-front with you. MySpace says you're Karl Pitt - I only have one email from a 'Karl' in 2013, re: an Aqvox on May 20th, which I replied to within 11 minutes. Then again, that badger748 looks like he's from Melbourne . . . come on, I shouldn't have to play Guess Who here! Do you have a beard? Glasses? Dark hair? Thyroid issues?

