
Dac nearly caught fire… soncoz

I’m sure he is a decent bloke. They usually are. But it’s funny how some can present as a ‘different person’ once the they get behind the PFM keyboard. I’d want to believe that if people met me face to face they would see the same person.
If we met del..we would become firm write from the heart..that's a nice if we met flutter? We would have to be top of our game..otherwise flutter would find us out pretty quick! I don't think flutter suffer fools will be ok del..I think I would be I am clearly a buffoon who hides it under large amounts of
Every Keith needs a caretaker!

IIRC when we buy something our contract is with the person who sold it and it is up to them to sort it out, we shouldn’t have to go directly to the manufacturer. Having said that it would be useful to have a comment from manufacturer or distributor in case anyone was considering buying this equipment. If there is an issue perhaps a recall would be in order.
If we met del..we would become firm write from the heart..that's a nice if we met flutter? We would have to be top of our game..otherwise flutter would find us out pretty quick! I don't think flutter suffer fools will be ok del..I think I would be I am clearly a buffoon who hides it under large amounts of
I think he will be as you have reported. Most are. Face to face is different.
Anyway , back to reality. I’ve got to figure how I tuner to the fm aerial in the loft. I had installed my own but the builders trashed it and the signal is erratic. Will do a tidy up while I’m at it. Could take all day!
That’s the point. It seems more about ‘winning’ than about the hifi. It’s difficult to converse with people when they have an agenda or vendetta to fulfil. Or when their views are really just a veiled attack on individuals.

Yes, I agree with this in part.

The absolutist hero's are a massive annoyance of mine personally and I find them to be devoid of any real music enjoyment, and with their circular rhetoric that is constant it becomes quite toxic to read and be involved with, which is a shame as there are loads of sound people on this forum, many who I have met or conversed with, but they often stay in the shadows because of the s'elf appointed' elitism dominance.

How many times have we seen a certain poster attack Colin Wonfor for 'measurements' of his it seems it's the general flavour of this forum at times, so it is what it is, sadly. There is no place in music or the world for absolutism in my opinion, and self appointed forum experts will often generate an air of arrogance around themselves, which will inevitably rub some people up the wrong way and cause friction.

Yes he definitely has the driest sense of deviation with admirable quality in someone who is so ( just kidding..I think )

I think you have to have a sense of humour to stay sane with only two colours going on in ones field of vision :)

I think he will be as you have reported. Most are. Face to face is different.

You are more than welcome to pop round to say hello and have a listen to mine. I don't drink tea or coffee but can happily offer you a herbal infusion beverage, it will save you 'assuming', drop me a PM.
Yes, I agree with this in part.

The absolutist hero's are a massive annoyance of mine personally and I find them to be devoid of any real music enjoyment, and with their circular rhetoric that is constant it becomes quite toxic to read and be involved with, which is a shame as there are loads of sound people on this forum, many who I have met or conversed with, but they often stay in the shadows because of the elitism dominance.

How many times have we seen a certain poster attack Colin Wonfor for 'measurements' of his it seems it's the general flavour of this forum at times, so it is what it is, sadly. There is no place in this world, or music for absolutism in my opinion, and self appointed forum experts will often generate a air of arrogance around themselves, which will inevitably rub some people up the wrong way and cause friction.

I think you have to have a sense of humour to stay sane with only two colours going on in ones field of vision :)

You are more than welcome to pop round to say hello and have a listen to mine. I don't drink tea or coffee but can happily offer you a herbal infusion beverage.
I’m sure that we would get on. I know what you are saying about cyclical arguments. I would probably enjoy your system. I enjoy green tea if that is a good compromise. Also a nice malt of an evening;)
I’m sure that we would get on. I know what you are saying about cyclical arguments. I would probably enjoy your system. I enjoy green tea if that is a good compromise. Also a nice malt of an evening;)

Green Tea is a bit caffeinated for me, but I can definitely oblige or maybe a vanilla Rooibos..although I don't drink alcohol, but I do have a aged bourbon from the days when I did, although as a Scotch drinker you may find this rather blasphemous :)
Every Keith needs a caretaker!

IIRC when we buy something our contract is with the person who sold it and it is up to them to sort it out, we shouldn’t have to go directly to the manufacturer. Having said that it would be useful to have a comment from manufacturer or distributor in case anyone was considering buying this equipment. If there is an issue perhaps a recall would be in order.
We all need a caretaker...blocked toilet! I am your and safety advice..scowling at people parking badly in the car park! Plus of course expertise at listening to cables...
Green Tea is a bit caffeinated for me, but I can definitely oblige or maybe a vanilla Rooibos..although I don't drink alcohol, but I do have a aged bourbon from the days when I did, although as a Scotch drinker you may find this rather blasphemous :)
Now Rooibus is something I’ve tried but never taken too. I have my Green light, leaved and never scorched. I like the occasional Old fashioned but a Lagavulin with a touch of water is one of my greatest pleasures. If not, a Ribera Del Duero or Margaux should be good.

