
CDP with a speed/pitch control?


pfm Member
Yes unusual, & agreed not exactly the usual PFM fodder but anyone know a CDP which has a speed control?
A friend of mine runs a dance school & she needs a replacement for her JVC ghetto blaster thing which has died. As its only a year or two old, she doesn't want another JVC.
Any ideas?
Only alternative that I can think of is a standalone MD recorder, they have speed control and could be had cheaply on the second hand market
Thanks for the input Rob,
She needs it to be a CDP as the various teachers/examiners all use CD's. I'd guess that trying to get all her teachers to transfer all their syllabus on to MD's wouldnt be practical.
Any other suggestions?
Another solution is any device which runs the rockbox software (e.g. Sensa Clip, etc.). Any laptop with windows media player (for instance) would do the trick too

This would require that the music be stored on said device in formats such as FLAC, MP3, etc, and the use of a cable to connect to a/the ghetto blaster
I know someone with a twin-deck DJ CD thingy that has variable speed, he uses it for ballroom dances. It also has twizzly knobs for jumping back/forward in tracks, skipping intros, etc. It's ugly, big, heavy, has lots of flashing LEDs and a gross industrial-style case. I don't know the make. He got it really cheaply though.

(Checking on goggle I see Numark do (at least did) such things.)
Hmm , yes, I thought about a DJ type thing, although I know nothing about that sort of gear.
She's UK based so probably would want to buy from the UK.
Any ideas along those lines?

DS..... What's htfr??
Marantz cd 7300 which I have. Its a lovely player and theres one on ebay at the moment.

Ive never used the feature but can see it may be useful for certain applications.
Worth finding out what she needs the speed control to accomplish as well. The DJ decks look like they will get you +/– 8–12%; plenty for "beat matching" (as the kids say) but, sadly, it might not turn the Stones into the Chipmunks.
most dj cd players now have pitch lock option on the tempo controls so you can change the speed.... but not change the pitch, this avoids the mickey mouse voice effect.

denon dns 1200 is good kit.
Echoing previous posts, DJ CD players almost all have speed control. The better ones, like Darryl wrote, somehow manage to change speed without changing pitch. (This seems horrific from a hi-fi perspective, when you consider the sound processing being done, but actually works reasonably well.)

The best makes - the ones the pros use - are Pioneer (first) and Denon (second). Occasional & bedroom DJs like myself sometimes buy the cheaper Numark decks - these are OK but not of the same quality as the first two. The cheapest new deck I would consider is the Numark NDX200 @ £130 that has already been posted, but I would personally prefer a second hand Pioneer or Denon for the same money. eBay is an obvious source, but Gumtree can be good too.

Most DJ CD players, including the NDX200, are just the player - no amp or speakers. Numark do a number of units containing a couple of CD decks & mixer (important for DJ use, basically a special kind of pre-amp for DJs) but still no power amp or speakers e.g. CDMIX1. So, they are not really a replacement for a ghetto blaster by themselves: you need to add at least one other unit and at the cheap end of the spectrum this would be some kind of combined rugged amp/speaker.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards

- Garry

