
Camera Porn

Good-looking 'cords seem to be £100-£150 on eBay at the moment, so you got a good deal.

I did have to spend another £30 soon after buying it to fix a broken film advance mechanism, so not quite the bargain it seemed, but still reasonable.

I'm not really sure what the differences between the 'cords and the Ts are - the lenses are similar, the main difference looks like the knob winder rather than the handle.

Allegedly the T has a slightly better lens, although I've owned both and would struggle to see any difference. The 'cords don't self-cock, you have to manually cock the shutter (at least, my V is like that, later cords may be different), and the ergonomics of the controls to set aperture and shutter speed are slightly better on the T.

That's the sort of thing i'm looking for - where did you pick it up?

A local secondhand place in the old town in Hastings. But MW Classic always seem to have stock at not outrageous prices. They're in Islington, in an office building on Essex Rd, and don't mind visitors if you phone first. That way you get to fiddle with the merchandise.
I checked and my 'cord did cost $120. An ebay BIN that was called a user. The seller had obviously film tested it though - no Granny's attic sold-as-is sale.
Mines one of the later ones, and you still have to wind the film and cock the shutter separately. Here's my 'user':

I've contacted the seller of the new screens, and will report back on how well they work.
we see why 'flex prices are going up - Patrick is attempting to corner the market!
Yes, of the eight million or so produced, I now own 0.00005% (or thereabouts).

I did have to spend another £30 soon after buying it to fix a broken film advance mechanism, so not quite the bargain it seemed, but still reasonable.
I'd rather buy £30 cheaper and spend the £30 on servicing though, so still a good deal.

BTW Dan, the most I paid for any of them was £299 for the 2.8F ... and I then got £60 off that because the EV/lightmeter mechanism was jammed. It cost £127 to fix that and get a full CLA done. The T with the lightmeter I bought the other day for £165 - which is close to a bargain I reckon.
Cliffs D3 is obsolete now he's got a D3x ;-)


Oddly enough, the D3 is in the bag today. I had the D300 out yesterday (it is lighter!)

Sadly the D3X doesn't do ISO 25600, which you really need to capture drunken blokes chucking darts.

Having seen the photo in Concrete's link, I now realize why that lens is so heavy. Glad I only have a boring 50mm lens on the D3 today.

Well after all that wondering about Rolleis, I picked up a Rolleicord for £60 today including the case, 2 filters, hood etc. It looks to be in reasonable nick, paint rubbed off where you'd expect. Loading it seems to be a case of peering through a hole on the bottom which I believe makes it one of the earlier Rolleicord II models.

Anyhow, i'll stick a film through this weekend and decide if it's fun. Certainly a good starting point and hopefully not an expensive way to find out if it's what I should be using.

The screen is very dark though, so I'll have to get a fresnel screen for it of some description. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

Nice one Cesare. I got my replacement screen yesterday, and will install this weekend. I'll let you know how it compares to the original.

The filters and hood are probably worth most of the 60 quid, so you can't loose! On the T I had I bought a cheap screen on eBay from the far east which improved things, but I've since read that a lot of the screen brightness comes from having a clean mirror - so it might be worth giving that a go!

Hope you enjoy it - I have two Rolleis in being repaired at the moment and I'm looking forward to trying them out.
Patrick, I think you are right, the extra bits are nice to have and tend to add to the overall cost. I'll certainly try and clean up the mirror although since this model isn't designed to have a removable hood it may take some investigation to get the thing open.

I'll see how it looks in daylight, but at home in the evening the screen is rubbish. A nice fresnel, even a cheap plastic one from HK would be an improvement.

Makes me appreciate my RZ67 screen though!

I don't know about the 'cord, but on the older 'flexes, the hood has 4 little screws that hold it on. The screen is retained under a metal mask (which moves with the focus point to give parallax correction), and the mirror is accessible under that. It would be worth cleaning the mirror and screen although ultimately you still might want a brighter screen.

The replacement screen I bought from HK was glass - I know because the first one broke in the post and he had to sent me a replacement! You have to make sure you get the right size, as there are (at least) two.

Been thinking about chucking this in against an M6 classic, but maybe it is just too cool a camera to get rid of.

Here is hoping that I am loading the film correctly. It is slightly counter intuitive since with a Fuji rangefinder you mount the film with the backing paper facing you. Here the far side of the film back is nearest the back of the lens, so you appear to have to unroll the film with the black side out.

Please let me know if this is wrong before I waste too much film

My camera porn has always been Canon's. Had T90's then F1N's, EOS 1V's and now Mk3 EOS 1D's and a Mk1 as back up. The porn is really in the lenses - EF70-200 F2.8L IS, EF400mm f2.8 L IS, EF24-70 f2.8L, EF85mm f1.2L Mk2 and a EF 24 f1.4 L wide angle. Built like brick s**t houses and work in any weather. I've also got a G9 which I carry whenever I go mountain-biking as it's brilliant and also very well made.

I do like old film stuff too - they just seem alive - like a steam engine lol

Yup it really is that big
Fuji GX680, mounted on tripod, AE Viewfinder mounted, lens is a Fujinon 125mm F5.6

Looks great! Do you get a reversed image through that finder, and does it incorporate aperture-priority automatic exposure? And do you have any other lenses?

