
B&W 802D vs B&W 800D, Discuss

I inquired about the possibility of implementing the JBL M2 crossovers and correction but was advised that they are sadly no longer doing custom work or SAM profiles for individuals.

The only fun part of the original Tact was that I could write the crossovers in Excel and personally correct impulse and frequency response in both the nearfield and at the listening position.

There are tons of ways of implementing your own DSP crossovers, at every price point, and listen to any changes in real time.
Oh man, this stuff is *horrible* I can't cope with that kind of anymore. it's a bit like some ricer revving at stop lights.

SAM's effect on these past few tracks is to stop the room filling swamping cone flap and uncontrolled excursions and tells that stupid fat bass to shut the **** up and turn it into something you can hear and then feel. Spanish Wind especially has a problematic bass that uses a clearly overloaded sub bass plugin with extra fake EQ that is designed to "set off" a speaker. Dropping the bass is an occasional accent, not a whole song! Why these jokers do that is beyond me, it is the sort of thing you hear in pimped up cars and not what I want in music.

Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb this morning, followed by Electric Masada At the Mountains of Madness. Still have many Shostakovich string quartets to rediscover and some biosphere....
Even ignoring SAM (as I have to), the resolution of the bottom octave or so is on a level that I personally have not heard matched by other amplification devices I have owned.

Even sat here now listening to Dog Faced Boy, I'm aware of a clear low bass line that has escaped all previous setups. A real shame they aren't doing custom SAM work anymore. I'd have some fun with the gerbils and a file.
We could always set up a fake vote for mernin's speakers to be SAMmed scam and we can all put in a vote: you need 100 votes before the lab coated french lads stop shrugging 'non', oui?
Oh man, this stuff is *horrible* I can't cope with that kind of anymore. it's a bit like some ricer revving at stop lights.

SAM's effect on these past few tracks is to stop the room filling swamping cone flap and uncontrolled excursions and tells that stupid fat bass to shut the **** up and turn it into something you can hear and then feel. Spanish Wind especially has a problematic bass that uses a clearly overloaded sub bass plugin with extra fake EQ that is designed to "set off" a speaker. Dropping the bass is an occasional accent, not a whole song! Why these jokers do that is beyond me, it is the sort of thing you hear in pimped up cars and not what I want in music.

Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb this morning, followed by Electric Masada At the Mountains of Madness. Still have many Shostakovich string quartets to rediscover and some biosphere....

I think some people latch onto the benefits of clean deep bass quite quickly and others never do. It's mainly about what the bass doesn't do, not what it does. Many people seem to really like 'unclean' bass judging from the numbers apparently enjoying for e.g. the B+M demo and the commercial versions of Likwitz's Orions on demo at Whittlebury a couple of years ago.
Prince Far I is not meant to be played back with clean bass IMHO.

I like your devious thinking Clive.
It's not really meant to be played through a 25 grand home HiFi either, let alone streamed from some tax doding IT firm that doesn't even pay the artist decent royalties if any at all.
It IS meant to be played through 15" JBL's though.

Just with the midrange disconnected.
Yikes. I knew those metallic bases are evil I had already stubbed my pinkies on them but did you crush them during install? Anything I need to know to avoid such a fate? That's awful! My sympathies :(
Hi, no a parachute accident many years ago so even more worried about stubbing my stubs. No sympathies needed, no athletes feet problems and only two nails to trim.

Enjoy your system when I've time I'll have to pop up for a listen as I head for James house to listen to the new turntable it will not be until May/June under the knife next week for some more work on the damage done so many years ago, but the morphine for free is good until you have to come off it. Plus I won't be moving round for several weeks so I'll plonk myself down and listen to some more new music via Tidal and Q.

Speak to you soon.

Free morphine! I am awaiting the day when the doc says time to get you off the various benzodiazepines we put you on ... looking forward to the withdrawals with joy (not). The reclassified my blood group as GlaxoSmithKline.

Ok, yeah throwing yourself out of an aeroplane can really ruin your day. Could be much much worse but still...

Feel free to Hop on by... (I bet you get tired of that).
Chaps. Phosphorescent Live at the Music Hall. Check it out, its really good. Nice solid live set. Mostly on the same level throughout. Good for those of us spending our days through he haze of pills and pils and PiLs.
I'd love to hear this SAM technology on a good mini-monitor. I notice LS3/5As, Kef LS50s and Harbeth P3ESRs are already mapped. I bet they'd all be something rather special in that context. It would be interesting to see if it could knock the kinks out of a pair of La Scalas too!

I've tried SAM on the Harbeths; a great improvement in 'weight' of sound, akin to adding a subwoofer. Unfortunately they 'live' in the upstairs system. The downstairs system speakers will probably never be SAMed, and new speakers must wait until we've sorted out the car/sofas/bathroom/kitchen.

