
AVI's new floorstanders and subs or three way in two boxes (part III)

I'm still waiting for someone to explain what they expect a tiny little driver in a small box to do with a 300 watt peak? My guess, assuming it doesn't just send it crashing into the end-stop destroying the voice coil, is that it will turn it into heat. The one thing I do know is that it won't be able to turn it into useful cone excursion. I'll happily pop round with my bass guitar and a 300 watt amp top to prove this to anyone who challenges it.
Are we talking legacy lightbulbs or CFLs which are pretty crap or super duper efficient LEDs because at 3 legacy watts that's a lot LEDs, unless AVIs are like the Tardis and magically have more than the stated legacy litters of cabinet volume?
I think you have it Mr fox...
AVI gets the power out via the 300W (AVI Watts**) display on the ADM40s.

** Conversion factor:
1000 AVI = 1 VA
I have a plan; we should take the ADM40 amp packs to British Gas to see if we can deploy them for extracting previously unreachable gas reserves...
Apparently everyone already has, just not anyone that we know.

"Anyone we know"..... do you really think any normal avi owner who has no affiliation and just likes his speakers, much to everyones annoyance, would even dare enter this trash talk of a thread part III?????
"Anyone we know"..... do you really think any normal avi owner who has no affiliation and just likes his speakers, much to everyones annoyance, would even dare enter this trash talk of a thread part III?????

Your presence here is presumably the exception that proves the rule,
Oh please... I was just trying to suggest that passive crossovers do seem to lose a fair amount of energy and no, I haven't done the maths to work out exactly how much - this would vary from model to model in any case - but I think we can all be agreed that an amp looking purely at a speaker drive unit has a far easier time of it than if it was faced with a typical passive crossover. FFS, enough manufacturers have shown this and there's a whole sub-culture of active professional monitors out there. You may have to revert to a comparator situation in a pro-audio shop to compare them though, but I'm sure I'm not wrong.

Lets face it, UK specialist audio dealers aren't doing that well on the whole. So many are now working from home as my two local(ish) Naim dealers are and the big chains seem to be merging. I wonder how pro audio shops are doing in comparison?

By the way, the only cherry finish I've ever seen that doesn't seem to darken much is of the pre-stained variety, usually a hideous burnt orange colour. Untouched cherry veneer can start to darken in a couple of weeks and if the cabinet maker has been naughty with the selotape at some time in the veneering, strips of pale wood can be shown up around darkened veneer, as I remember seeing occasionally when in retail.
Interesting point. What is the profile of a normal AVI owner?

I'm an AVI product owner (just not ADM's...), so laugh away :(

I have some brightly lit (no BSC, but excellent "timing" and basic clarity) but linear phase Pro Nines and a S2000MP+P preamp, this latter being extremely capable IMO.
I suspect most people who buy AVi ADM 9TT's or 40's are not really music lovers. They just want something that fits their aspiration lifestyles and can play music during a good neighbourly, keys in the fruit bowl swingers session.
Well as you can tell I own 9.1's and of course posted here when I should of backed off.. I have taken the bait it seems....meaning now I am open to flaming, accusations of being a shill, that I am defensive of my speakers.. etc etc. You know what I mean....

But really, and speaking for myself, it seems that a few posters, and I mean A FEW, who post OTT stuff about their AVi gear seem to fuel everybody else to tar every owner and all the products.

This is unfair and I know I really should back off now as I expect to eaten alive by all you guys...

Here's a few points from my view and a normal AVi owner:

Firstly I don't believe my ADM's are the best speaker in the world.
I don't take the specs as gospel.
I do think the speakers need the sub if you want the whole experience
I don't pray at the altar of Ash
I DO at times get so pissed of with reading the school yard comments that I post and end up being "one of them". That annoys me because I am not. But here I am :)

That said:
And here comes the part that will ensue shill shouts:

Despite the claimed specs they are incredibly clear, dynamic and loud
I really really do love listening to them and whatever Ash spouts about them it doesn't change that fact.
I do disagree with Spacey though in that music is totally my passion and the endless auditioning I did, it was the 9.1's and sub that sounded better...
Well as you can tell I own 9.1's and of course posted here when I should of backed off.. I have taken the bait it seems....meaning now I am open to flaming, accusations of being a shill, that I am defensive of my speakers.. etc etc. You know what I mean....

But really, and speaking for myself, it seems that a few posters, and I mean A FEW, who post OTT stuff about their AVi gear seem to fuel everybody else to tar every owner and all the products.

This is unfair and I know I really should back off now as I expect to eaten alive by all you guys...

Here's a few points from my view and a normal AVi owner:

Firstly I don't believe my ADM's are the best speaker in the world.
I don't take the specs as gospel.
I do think the speakers need the sub if you want the whole experience
I don't pray at the altar of Ash
I DO at times get so pissed of with reading the school yard comments that I post and end up being "one of them". That annoys me because I am not. But here I am :)

That said:
And here comes the part that will ensue shill shouts:

Despite the claimed specs they are incredibly clear, dynamic and loud
I really really do love listening to them and whatever Ash spouts about them it doesn't change that fact.
I do disagree with Spacey though in that music is totally my passion and the endless auditioning I did, it was the 9.1's and sub that sounded better...

Fair enough. You do AVI more justice with the above than JC has done for years.
Ohms, I'm glad you do enjoy music and your 9.1/sub system. I don't hold a grudge against any user or indeed the system. I've heard it on a number of occasions. I just don’t think they're for me. Ash and JC both just need to come up clean and stop the spin. JC needs to get a grip and stop thinking he know everything, his attitude does AVi no favours. If they could simply discuss things in a civil manner, and get back to us with information and the answers to the question asked as we did in part I of these threads. It’s really that simple. Instead they start insulting people’s intelligence and integrity.

I'm relieved there are some owners who also live in the real world :) !

And remember, always practice safe sex!
I suspect most people who buy AVi ADM 9TT's or 40's are not really music lovers. They just want something that fits their aspiration lifestyles and can play music during a good neighbourly, keys in the fruit bowl swingers session.

I very much doubt that Raj. I expect they are music lovers not much interested in the usual hifi multi box upgraditis cac.
By default, Arthur, AVi owner have to upgrade almost every year.

6 years, 5 reincarnations, which none are supported beyond their warranties? ADM9T's had been out about 1 year IIRC, now they're on the ADM9TT's. In Ashley’s and JC’s own words, the older version are not as good as the current crop, so customers need to sell their older (insert 'legacy' is you like) versions and buy new. They're not upgradable in any way... They are the exact definition of a disposable obsolescent product.

I really hope the 40’s and their owners aren’t treated in the same way... it’ll end up in tears or a serious case of back tracking.
Fair enough. You do AVI more justice with the above than JC has done for years.

Thanks Steve. I do believe that I have found my audio nirvana.

I do also believe that others choose different gear to suit their audio nirvana or hobby.

I do think a FEW owners need to understand the difference between enjoying one designers goal (ie ADM's) and someone else's goal of hi fi as a hobby or tailoring the sound to what they enjoy. The music being the end goal of course...

There is no right "path" and i'd rather someone was into box swapping and cables than someone who doesn't really like music and someone I couldn't swap a beer with and chat about what moves me in the music world.
By default, Arthur, AVi owner have to upgrade almost every year.

6 years, 5 reincarnations, which none are supported beyond their warranties? ADM9T have been out about 1 year IIRC. In Ashley’s and JC’s own words the older version are not as good as the current crop, so customers need to sell their older versions and buy new. They're not upgradable in any way... They are the exact definition of a disposable obsolescent product.

I really hope the 40’s and their owners aren’t treated in the same way... it’ll end up in tears or serious case of back tracking.

Raj, lots of stuff is superceded but there is no compulsion to upgrade. As for this support after warranty thing I think it's rather a crimson cod.

IE, a Sony amp out of warranty can be repaired but getting one done by Sony would not be cost effective. An outside repair chap might well be and then same will be true for the adm's.

Plus there is also the fact that considering what they are a buyer can expect them to last a good long time. If a modern electronic, domestic, component survives it's first few months (under warranty) then it can be expected to last a fair old while longer.


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