
Auralic Vega and Benchmark DAC2 reviews in Stereophile


pfm Member
Both the Auralic Vega and the Benchmark DAC2 HGC DACs get outstanding reviews in this months Stereophile, in case anyone's interested. HiFi News also give a very good review to the Vega. HiFi critic has a review of the DAC2 which I've not seen - has anyone?
We've not had anything less than enthusiastic feedback from home loans on the Vega: it's a real crowd pleaser. Within the context of its price, the Benchmark manages to be even more revealing than the DAC1, but entirely free of the earlier converter's edginess.
The Vega does look really nice. And the edginess of the DAC1 was precisely what I didn't like. Interesting.
The hi-fi+ review is available for those interested.

Google 'Auralic Vega Review' and halfway down the second page of results is a PDF.
The Vega does look really nice. And the edginess of the DAC1 was precisely what I didn't like. Interesting.

We've had customers describe the DAC2 as - gasp in horror smiley - sweet! Who'd have thought it.

But the Vega is a big, seductive wall-of-sound crittur. Ultimately, not as truthful in every respect as the Benchmark - it definitely has a 'tone of voice' - but it's not far off. And such fun. It's defining feature is really those muscular Class A output modules that does the same trick as a good preamp, without the bloat or transparency-hit. It's a really mature product.

In one of our recent group tests, it was ultimately not as exciting or as accurate as the Resonessence Mirus, but that's a tall order. Ultimately I don't think it pulls far clear of the £700 cheaper Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 DSD-SE (which is a bit 'harder' in every respect: more informative, more LF punch, but a slightly drier tonality) but it's just impossible not to be a bit smitten by it's overall harmonious lusciousness. It will go far.

One customer said it was the first DAC of many he'd heard that was so engaging he stopped caring about how it resolved - or indeed, much other than getting lost in the record collection. Cliché, but true. I've not read the current reviews, but if they say anything other than that, with respect, they're wrong. Smiley face.
Not sure how google works, maybe search results are geographic? I've been able to find it several times and always on the second page.

I'd link to it but not sure if that's allowed here?? You could PM me ;)

Sure it's allowed here! This isn't the naim forum!
I have become rather fond of the Vega. Not heard the DAC2 HGC.

You reckon you need a pre-amp with the Vega to get the best from it's volume control? The stand-out from most of the reviews I have read is that it needs a pre-amp to avoid digital nasties unless you have an insensitive amp/speakers and listen loud(ish). Which kinda makes it more expensive. The DAC2 has 10db and 20db pads which help in this respect.
Possibly. I had a pair of JohnW modified 20dB attenuators so with them in place the gain is sorted. Without them, it's a bit mad.
Possibly. I had a pair of JohnW modified 20dB attenuators so with them in place the gain is sorted. Without them, it's a bit mad.

I have a hunch that they will have a full on streaming solution within the year - they've already announced a thing called an Aries which is a kind of ethernet to USB bridge. Won't take them long to stick that inside the Vega and get rid of the USB stuff. Should be a cracking product. But I reckon they need to sort the volume issue out properly.

btw, there's a good HiFi News Review of the Vega linked to here
Can't find it?

Please see here if not already.

If I was to make a quick list of a favourite converters in order of sound quality primarily, functionality and value, it would go something like the below:-

Weiss Medea+
Lavry 2002 AD-DA
Weiss DAC202
Eximus DP1
Renonessence Invicta
Bel Canto DAC3.5VB
Benchmark DAC2
Antelope Zodiac Gold
Lynx Hilo AD-DA
Benchmark DAC1 Pre
Lavry DA11
Exposure 2010

These have been compared many times, albeit not all at the same time. The Eximus DP1 and Benchmark DAC2 stand-out in the value states, especially it you need a headphone output IMHO.

Please see here if not already.

If I was to make a quick list of a favourite converters in order of sound quality primarily, functionality and value, it would go something like the below:-

Weiss Medea+
Lavry 2002 AD-DA
Weiss DAC202
Eximus DP1
Renonessence Invicta
Bel Canto DAC3.5VB
Benchmark DAC2
Antelope Zodiac Gold
Lynx Hilo AD-DA
Benchmark DAC1 Pre
Lavry DA11
Exposure 2010

These have been compared many times, albeit not all at the same time. The Eximus DP1 and Benchmark DAC2 stand-out in the value states, especially it you need a headphone output IMHO.


Thanks! Maybe it is because I am located in Denmark.
Please see here if not already.

If I was to make a quick list of a favourite converters in order of sound quality primarily, functionality and value, it would go something like the below:-

Weiss Medea+
Lavry 2002 AD-DA
Weiss DAC202
Eximus DP1
Renonessence Invicta
Bel Canto DAC3.5VB
Benchmark DAC2
Antelope Zodiac Gold
Lynx Hilo AD-DA
Benchmark DAC1 Pre
Lavry DA11
Exposure 2010

These have been compared many times, albeit not all at the same time. The Eximus DP1 and Benchmark DAC2 stand-out in the value states, especially it you need a headphone output IMHO.


No love for the Metrum dacs?
No love for the Metrum dacs?

Oh, feck, I forgot those... Naughty boy. Hmm, let me have think :D

Abbey Roads studio uses the DAD AX24, which has been our reference for 4 years or more until recently sold. The most emotive and involving sounding by some distance IMHO. Expensive! Funny, people talk about DSD recordings sounding better. Well, the good ones probably went through an AX24, or more recently the AX32 converter.


