
Amp history / progression..?

Dynaco Stereo 80
Berning EA-230
Krell KSA-50
Audio Research D-70
Audio Research D-115
Levinson 23.5
Audio Research VT-100 mk 2
Quad 2/40
Nait 5i
Naim NAP 200
Naim NAP 250.2
Devialet 200
Dynavector HX-100
McIntosh MC-275 MkVI (on order)
Dynaco Stereo 80
Berning EA-230
Krell KSA-50
Audio Research D-70
Audio Research D-115
Levinson 23.5
Audio Research VT-100 mk 2
Quad 2/40
Nait 5i
Naim NAP 200
Naim NAP 250.2
Devialet 200
Dynavector HX-100
McIntosh MC-275 MkVI (on order)
Wow, that's almost the full spectrum of round earth to flat and back to round.
Very true James. At least for me, once you've heard the different sounds, you find that all the really good ones have something to recommend. The key is putting things together that work together. You can do it yourself, as you well know, spend a lot or spend not so much. It's all care and attention and listening.
I think it's more about the speakers than anything else. I keep meaning to try the 'flat earth' amps in the upstairs system with the speakers in the downstairs system, but they're quite heavy and it's three flights of stairs. Maybe when the weather cools down a bit.
For my two-penny-worth.
Lecson pre-power combo.
Naim NAC 32 & NAP 110.
Naim SuperUniti
Naim Nac 272 & NAP 200
NAP 200 replaced by NAP 250DR
and now I'm happy!!
A good memory test, but don't ask me for dates.

Sony TAF someting
Musical Fidelity Synthesis
Krell KSA 50
Border Patrol 300B SE
Vacuum State DPA-300B

with Audio Research SP8 and DNM 3D pre-amps

Discovered I like the single ended 300B sound, less power more detail and almost tactile.
Trying to remember..

My collection is emphatically not a list of exotic kit...

A ghastly 3W per channel tranny amp from probably Laskys on Edgeware Rd

Sinclair Project 80 modular amp

Then a Wireless World designDIY Phono amp added to something I cannot remember

A & R A60 (Still got it, used for many years)

Kelvin Labs class A - also lasted many years but blew up & not worth trying repair.

Musical Fidelity X100 - Ebay purchase. Loved it but the PSU blew up and impossible to repair

Roksan Kandy K2 BT - enough grunt to run my Gale 401a speakers. So now sold my TDL Studio 1

And now happy boy!
Something like this:

Quad 33/303
Exposure VI, VII, VIII
Musical Fidelity Integrated Amp (E10?)
Bose System (I know, but the kids had arrived!)
Naim 112/150
Naim 202/200 w HiCap/Napsc
Naim Nait 2 (Olive)
Naim Nait 2 (Chrome Bumper)
Naim UnitiQute 1
Naim SuperUniti
Naim UnitiQute 2
Naim Nait 2 CB

Could not stop myself coming back to little shoebox as others have remarked before me - must be something there.......
Started with a NAD3020A in 1984 ... and then ....

Inca Tech Claymore
Yamaha DSP A1
Audiolab 8000C/P
Musical Fidelity A1000
Musical Fidelity kW250s
AVI Lab Series
PureSound A30
Meridian 557
MatAmp 5/20
EAR 509
EAR 534
Chapter Precis
Perreaux Eloquence 150i
Luxman L550 aii

There are undoubtedly others which were so bad I've forgotten about them. Total duds of the ones I can remember were the Audiolab and AVI - the Audiolab was as dull as dishwater and the AVI felt like it would made my ears bleed . The last 3 in the list are all exceptional amps and I could probably happily live with any of the 3.
Pioneer SA-9800 - First real amp, lots of knobs and flashing lights
Audiolab 8000A - Never really happy with this amp, a bit dull
Naim 42.5/110 - Used with ProAc Tablettes, great combination
Krell KAV300i - sold the ProAcs and bought AE1s so the Naim setup struggled hence the Krell (blown up beyond repair by cleaning lady so....)
Marantz PM-KI Pearl - great amp, only sold it as I got a great price on the Plinius
Plinius Hiato - Decided to downsize so active speakers, PMC AML2 and DAC pre-amp
Bench DAC2 HGC - current
Arcam Alpha 5
Rega Luna
Restek Challenger
Musical Fidelity Pre Amp / Quad 606
Electrocompaniet ECI5
Luxman L505
Audiolab 8200CDQ / Michell Alecto Monos
Audiolab 8200CDQ / Quad 520f
Audiolab 8200CDQ / MC2 Audio MC650

Whilst not as good as what I have now, I reckon the Rega gave me the best enjoyment per buck out of that lot. It was matched with a Planet CD player, a Systemdek TT and Acoustic Energy speakers.
Technics something
Cyrus II
Cyrus II + PSX
Naim Nait XS
Naim Nait XS + Flatcap
Naim Nait XS + Nap 180
Naim Nac 202 + Nap 180 + HiCap
Naim Nac 202 + Nap 250 NCC200 + HiCap
Teddy Pardo Pre1 + Nap 250 NCC200 + HiCap
Teddy Pardo Pre1 + MB 100*
Pioneer A400 bought as a spare somewhere in between
SMSL a36 pro (really!) bought as a joke somewhere in between but is amazing in some areas if you run it off a battery
Tisbury + Abrahamsen 2*V40up
1990: Onix OA 21S
2001: Sugden A21A
Croft Vitale + Exposure 18S
2005: Phonosophie Classic 1
Densen B150
NLE 70 + Manley Mahi Mahi
Naim Supernait 1 + Hi Cap 2
2010: Manley Shrimp + Croft Twinstar 2
Leben CS 600
Plinius 9200
Music First Audio Classic + Quad 606 mk2 + Roksan M Phono SE
EAR 864 + Quad 606 mk2
Leben cs 300xs + EAR 88pb
Phonosophie Bi Amp 1-2
2015: Croft Micro 25 + Resolution Audio C50
Resolution Audio C50 + Sugden A21SE Stage 2
Pioneer SX-450
Nytech Pre/Power
NVA P50/A40
Lyngdorf TDA2200
Leben CS600
Quad 34/306
Hegel H160
Naim Supernait2/HiCapDR

A relatively modest list, methinks, considering it spans very nearly 40 years!
1978 - Eagle Receiver from Dixons (birthday present, first ever "hifi")
1982 - Rotel 840B (succumbed to mains hum in the end)
1990-ish - Armstrong PCU25, A20 (car boot find!)
1994-current - Rothwell Quartet, Sugden Au51p

A couple relatively new additions at the end:

Scott 325R
Harman Kardon HK440 Vxi
Music Hall a25.2
Naim Nait 5i
LM3886 gainclone
Harman Kardon PA2200
W4S ST-500
Bryston 3B ST and a Luxman R-115 in the TV system
Creek CAS4040

Ion Obelisk 3x-Xpak1

Naim 72-hicap-250

Insert Zap250 and TPX1, add Nap82, then remove it after preferring Avondale/NJ boarded 72!

Active speakers but Zap250 still in reserve

