
A lucky day


pfm Member
I had the best day sales at my food van so far this year
Girlfriend got temping job at higher hourly rate than she was on at CityLink after being made redundant by them
Girlfriend got email from Govt redundancy scheme saying her claim was successful (see above)
We bought a Euromillions ticket for £2 and won £7

Small successes maybe but made us feel good

Anyone else had days where multiple things work out?
'I have my suspicions, when the stars are in position....all will be revealed!'

Sometimes it all just falls into place for no reason and puts a broad grin on your face, a spring in your step and a little flutter in your heart......enjoy the moment Timh
Happy days things could be worse there is a bloke in the Audio section who is unhappy with his £28000 Naim system.
Boo hoo.
I had the best day sales at my food van so far this year
Girlfriend got temping job at higher hourly rate than she was on at CityLink after being made redundant by them
Girlfriend got email from Govt redundancy scheme saying her claim was successful (see above)
We bought a Euromillions ticket for £2 and won £7

Small successes maybe but made us feel good

Anyone else had days where multiple things work out?

Way back around 1996. I got a phone call from HiFiWorld telling me I'd won the Rogers Studio 3s I still use.
Feeling lucky I set out to buy a Lottery Scratch Card at lunch time, but the place was closed.
Same evening, I bought three winning scratch cards in a row at the local Spar

Again... smal wins.. but it adds up :)
What kind of food do you have at the food van?

Classic stuff but the best quality so free range bacon and eggs, premium sausages, 100% scotch beef hand made burgers, additive free fresh bread from local bakery. Oh and pulled pork on a friday
Yep, it's great when everything drops in to place like that - at least you have the good sense to appreciate it.

My grandfather used to tell me something along the lines of, 'concentrate on the important issues in life, but take pleasure from small things'. Or words to that effect. It took me quite a while to properly work it out, but have managed to ensure that I take time to savour small moments that occur throughout the day.
One French stick with Bacon Cheese and toms please and a mug of Tea :D


