
2000 Supratek


pfm Member
Supposedly built as a clone of the Best Mick could do it in 2000. Worked fine for years if a tad cosmetically challenged. went to a chap I trust implicitly to
see how the gain was a fraction of what it should be. 20 year old valves were helping not one jot . Came back a different amp. Soundwise this beat by fractions the Syrah I should never have sold, no remote and God knows what's up with the phono stage apart from maybe 20 years old 5428s.
Plays gorgeous for one cd then starts making cracks and bangs. Was away for repair which appears to have fixed nothing. Fabulous for one cd then plays up.
Have replaced all the valves to no avail and wondering if it's something heat related? Been away for repair but not convinced the chap knew what he was doing.
So now $1800 lying n the cupboard taking up space, Maloney his usual grudging help. How do you sell this without losing a fortune? Should never have sold the Syrah which was mind-blowing as was the included phonstage. You live and learn.

