
12S and 110 Like to Boogie


pfm Member

Stone cold, the NAC 12S is naked as its case is in the body shop for restoration, the 110 has been powered up for 2 hours and is driving the 12 directly.

I mean astonishingly good and I know it will just get so much better....
If I could not have either a 52 or a 552, I would certainly choose the 12S. When I bought the 42/110 ages ago, I had to wait a couple of weeks before the 42 would be delivererd, so the delaler loaned me a 12S to make do, and as you noted it made glorious sounds. When the 42 eventually arrived I had high hopes swapping the 12 out for it, but when I did, I was very disappointed. It sounded dull and lifeless after the 12S, both powered by the internal 110 supply. It took a Hicap to get the 42 back into the amp-powered 12S territory.
That's pretty much what I've just said to someone else, it takes a 52/552 to beat the thing, basic as it is but that also is the secret and the charm.
Only serves to graphically illustrate that Naim lost the plot many years ago in the scramble
for the 'high end' market. The kit above does rank as some of the most musical according
to the late JV.
I have heard a 12S and while it did sound good, it thought a 32.5 or a 72 sounded better.
Here we ago again!
Glad to hear your 110 is running well, Gaius. (It is a keeper and I am glad I have one here!!).
With 821a boards, I think the nac12 beats the lot. Am looking forward to an all-serviced bolt down 12/160/converted snaps second system.
Just a bit unsure whether talisman 2's are good enough for it... (?).
Les, I'm very much looking forward to plugging in the 160, it will raise the bar some.

JV did have it right back then, I've always said the bolt down and chrome era are the best.

Tom, your 110 is a peach, it's new owner will love it but I'll enjoy it some more over the weekend.

Stone cold, the NAC 12S is naked as its case is in the body shop for restoration, the 110 has been powered up for 2 hours and is driving the 12 directly.

I mean astonishingly good and I know it will just get so much better....

First Naim I heard as a teenager was a 12S paired with a NAP120 driving of all things a pair of well aged Lowther Classic 400s from an LP12/Syrinx PU2/Dynavector Ruby and it could sound wonderful.
Sounds exactly the same IME, as does the 140 & 160 but then I listen differently ;)

They are all very good if about 50 watts a side is sufficient.
My favourite older Naim amp is the 42/110. Straight up with no external psu. Great value and I love the looks on the 42.
I had a 110 and a 140 side by side, with ISTR a 52 providing preamp services. The 110 seemed lighter but more agile on the bottom end, whereas the 140 was fuller, warmer an very slightly slower-but still managed to time up a storm. I really couldn't tell much power difference into the speakers at the time (modified Advents).
I had a 110 and a 140 side by side, with ISTR a 52 providing preamp services. The 110 seemed lighter but more agile on the bottom end, whereas the 140 was fuller, warmer an very slightly slower-but still managed to time up a storm. I really couldn't tell much power difference into the speakers at the time (modified Advents).

One upon a time it was all the rage to 'upgrade' the 110 to 140 spec.

My local dealer (bless him) always advised against it - even though he could possibly have made a bob or two by acting as middleman.

Edit; I don't know if I can claim to be the first to dabble in mono 110s but it was back when we all lived on the Naim forum and such talk was almost totally uncensored. I posted a piece about the experiment and somebody from the American HQ got all shirty. OTOH Salisbury were cool about the whole thing. Happy days!

Mr Tibbs
Damn right Mr Tibbs, having had a couple of 140s and now listening to this 110; well it's a backwards move for sure.

It's all kicking in, the sound is massive and so much fun.

Got me dancing around like a crazy person; you gotta love that!
I think my tastes must differ! I had a 110 and a 140 and while I liked both I preferred the 140.
According to JV in an interview there was much variability with production in the early days and not unusual for their "best sounding" preamp to change with any given batch at least back in the CB days so a 32, 42 or 62 could come out on top (or not ;-)

Regardless, enjoy the new/old puppies Mark!
According to JV in an interview there was much variability with production in the early days and not unusual for their "best sounding" preamp to change with any given batch at least back in the CB days so a 32, 42 or 62 could come out on top (or not ;-)

Regardless, enjoy the new/old puppies Mark!

I know that's what he said but having had them all the 12 is the star.

Music tonight was Cowboy Junkies, Kraftwerk, Fleetwood Mac, I always use those to find a reference, after that we had Robert Calvert, TV on the Radio, The Vaselines, Carpenters, JJ Cale and Neil Young.

This little combo just breezed it all.

The 12 is a very serious pre amp, the 110 has an air around it all, the timing with the pair is beyond reproach.

Dave, I've had such a blast!
Glad to hear they've hit the spot! Frankly, I've yet to meet a Naim I didn't like;-)
While we're into the NAC12 love-in, would anyone happen to have one of the very first NAC12s with just the single motherboard? - i.e all circuitry on one motherboard rather than on individual daughter cards. My unit started out that way but was gradually updated by Naim - inside is now something of a hybrid, with second series motherboard, but phono section updated to pins, ALPS pot and DIN phono input changed to RCA phonos. I am writing a piece on the NAC12 and would love to see a good picture of the original type, so if anyone has one, please post or send me a PM...

Mark, we need pictures! A story on your NAC12 restoration would be great.

