
(Not) My Blue Note Record Collection

Alex N

pfm Member
How many of these have you got?

To say I'm envious is something of an understatement - I'd have most of those just for the awesome artwork, let alone what's on them.
That was cool, the guy seems really into it. I counted 43 that I have. I'll have to run downstairs now and see how many total Blue Notes I have, not enough I'm sure. Edit, I've got 80 total, I guess I need 270 more to have the entire catalog. ;)
Lovely video and very entertaining. Amazing how ringwear-less his collectin is! I wonder how many of these are "good" pressings and how many are the recent might-be-digitally-mastered that seem to be everywhere (at least in the States) these days. Still, the sight of those Reid Miles covers brings tingles to my spine. I'm at roughly 220 - 230 BN titles but didn't keep track of any overlap with the video collection.

Perhaps as an allergic reaction to all that BN vinyl, I've started buying up Pacific Jazz titles to balance out my Jazz section. :)
I noticed that most of them seem to be in really good nick - but for the sake of my bank balance, it'd probably be a bad idea to start hunting originals.

You both have a big headstart on me - if it makes anyone feel better, a similar video of my own would be over in about twenty seconds. I need to make the time to start tracking a few down (and some early Verve and Capitol albums), but I wouldn't really even know where to look.

What BN's are you looking for? PM me... I have a stack of doubles for you if you're interested.
A humble 18 of the ones he has, which is about half my total on vinyl I think.

Hey - I reckon' I'm only half way (through life) and should collect a few more!
Not doing so well here. I have about 20 Blue Note LPs, but I'm trying to add at least one new BN LP a month, the purchase of which is highly correlated with pay day.

That's a heck of a collection, you must have a good source.

Thanks John. Not one single source really - I travel around the States quite a bit for work and usually hit at least one music shop on most trips.
Thanks John. Not one single source really - I travel around the States quite a bit for work and usually hit at least one music shop on most trips.

I think that's the best way to find Blue Notes. I found a few real nice one's last Spring when I was in San Antonio. The big Austin record show was going on that same week, but I didn't find out about it until the day we were leaving town. :( Hitting used records stores is something I always make a point of doing whenever traveling.

I also collect genes. I have them spread across 23 chromosome pairs, one set of which I inherited from me mum and one from me dad.

I only started listening to jazz at all in the last year or two, so I have plenty still to track down.

felarca, I'll send a pm in the future, I'm sure, but for now my plans are on hold. I'm going to ask for the Penguin Guide to Jazz and maybe Richard Cook's Blue Note book for Christmas and take it from there. As I mentioned, I also love these records for their gorgeous covers, so a book of those would be good too.

I guess I really just wanted folk to see the video in my first post. It reminded me of JR's thread earlier this year about how there's artists and even whole genres of music to find - you can never have too many good records, I guess. As Jonathan said then and now, at least time is on my side.

As for collecting, I'm not so bad myself. For instance, my only dvds are the first three Star Wars, Kraftwerk's Minimum-Maximum, and... the first series of Miami Vice - just the essentials.

Fair enough. The BN's are in my pay it forward box and have been for awhile. They'll find a home eventually, I'm sure!
Gimme 6 x £8 modern pressings LPs for all their perceived flaws than one overpriced audio nerd version or original pressing any day. I did splurge on a 4 x 12" set of Blue Trane a while back (and it is lovely to listen to -- and as a 'thing'), but such excesses are few and far between.

Dunno how many I have, I'm pretty sure I have possibly a few more than he does -- with a fair overlap.

I like his recommendation for the BN book, but not the Penguin book which is tedious, unimaginative and imposes a style of thinking that spoils the sheer joy of exploration.
I just picked up some more Scorpio Blue Note re-issues and listened to them all. They sound pretty damn good to me for the 9 to $10 price. Good luck trying to find original pressings or even 70's re-issues of most of them. There's a guy in the industry who posts on the Hoffman forum who really runs down these re-issues. He says they're made from cd's but I think he must mean from digital masters. Despite whatever that entails, I still manage to enjoy the music. As Fox says, I'd gladly take five of these over the 45rpm reissues that are coming out. I hate the idea of having to flip the record over after most every song and $50 just seems way too much for me to spend on one record!

The United Artists BN-LA series which were: A later series of 12 inch LP's issued mostly during the 1970s. In this series there are many reissues from earlier series, "Best of" albums, live albums and compilations, as well as new studio albums.

I've got a few of these and find them very worthwhile. I'm spinning Art Blakey - Live Messengers, it's a live double album with a side from a 1954 group which is just excellent!

