
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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"Those with Mental Health difficulties might be better helped by therapy rather than cash"

what readily available therapy? .
Same approach to what’s being considered against trans people, there is no infrastructure for it to supply demand. Government considering requiring psychiatrists letter for every prescription. Royal College says not enough psychiatrists to provide this.

No psychiatrist letter = no prescription = no HRT = no trans people. Why so many turn to DIY labs or international grey market.

The UK is a dumpster fire — but gotta hand it to you; your government does two-faced subterfuge and bare-faced expeditious lying like no other.
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"Those with Mental Health difficulties might be better helped by therapy rather than cash"

what readily available therapy? In my wife's case the time being offered support to actually seeing someone was two years seven months. Not that she has received a penny in benefits in that time.

And the number of appointments are limited, I believe. There are charities who means test though that are taking up the slack (but it's not enough).
Bring back Boris, he had a plan, probably oven ready.
Really does feel like the vulnerable will eventually be led to the showers.
If what Helen is outlining is correct it would seem the dashing Rishi's comments yesterday are false. Quel surprise.
Can you have your election now please I think we would take our chances with the Labour party? Suck and see approach is better than any longer exposure to Toryism.

We might be at the point where this thread and the Rise of The Far Right thread could be legitimately merged. The Tories are coming out into the open in broad daylight now. For those who flinched at the term Tory scum, try Tory racist scum,

“Susan Hall, the Tory candidate for London mayor, has joined a Facebook group which contains Islamophobic hate speech and abusive comments about her opponent Sadiq Khan, the day after an exposé about its contents.
Khan told the Guardian these revelations “could have a direct impact on not just my safety but the safety of my family and staff”.

Tory hopeful for London mayor joins anti-Ulez Facebook group rife with Islamophobia

Susan Hall became member a day after an exposé about its contents – much of which is directed at Sadiq Khan
Zac Goldsmith went the racist road in his campaign against Khan to become London Mayor last time. The author of the smears was “Sir” Lynton Crosby the Australian tobacco lobbyist come Tory election guru. Zac failed upwards with a seat in the HoL and Crosby got a knighthood.
Racist, sectarian smears pay well in the Tory Party.
Interesting and disturbing report from Good Law Project on how the Tories used personal data and highly dubious third-party entities and actors to discredit Jo Maugham. The argument obviously has far wider scope than that as it highlights how personal data is weaponised for political ends. Another step on the Cambridge Analytica etc path.

This behaviour is also highly concerning given just how many Tories have their hands deep in our data these days, e.g. the racist party donor (£15m) who’s business has the contract to process our NHS records etc.

I'll stick this here, as it doesn't merit its own thread, but ...
I've just received a letter addressed 'Dear resident' from Sir Bill Wiggin, our MP. (I'm glad you feel sorry for me !) It's on House of Commons paper.
He's going on about the planned resurfacing of Corn Square in Leominster, and how much he's done to facilitate it. Blah, blah. How the money has come from the government's High Street Heritage Action Zone fund, and how cancelling HS2 (sic) has released £106m to fill in the potholes in Herefordshire's roads.
The letter to residents, all of us, I suppose, is a collosal waste of money, but more than that, it's blatant electioneering, but paid for by the government rather than party funding. Are there no depths to which the Tories won't sink ?
If I thought it'd do any good, I'd report it, but to whom ?
I'll stick this here, as it doesn't merit its own thread, but ...
I've just received a letter addressed 'Dear resident' from Sir Bill Wiggin, our MP. (I'm glad you feel sorry for me !) It's on House of Commons paper.
He's going on about the planned resurfacing of Corn Square in Leominster, and how much he's done to facilitate it. Blah, blah. How the money has come from the government's High Street Heritage Action Zone fund, and how cancelling HS2 (sic) has released £106m to fill in the potholes in Herefordshire's roads.
The letter to residents, all of us, I suppose, is a collosal waste of money, but more than that, it's blatant electioneering, but paid for by the government rather than party funding. Are there no depths to which the Tories won't sink ?
If I thought it'd do any good, I'd report it, but to whom ?

Reporting it will get nowhere, but if you want to tie up his electioneering resources, sending an email literally every day pretending to be a Tory voter (if you have the money to actually join the party that will help) and making vapid complaints about local issues (paint peeling on lamp posts ? Is the font on the signage at the roundabout compliant ? Why did the government allow your favourite cafe to close (try this one with a cafe that is still open)? Excessive litter at the train station. Etc.

His office will try to respond to them and if they aren’t national issues they won’t be able to use a form / Tory HQ response.

If you can get friends to also join the local Tory party and do this, all the better.
I see that Rishi has latched onto the ludicrous idea first aired by Sky News that they only just did not win and that despite losing 500+ seats Labour will have to form a hung Parliament.
I see that Rishi has latched onto the ludicrous idea first aired by Sky News that they only just did not win and that despite losing 500+ seats Labour will have to form a hung Parliament.

I noticed that too. However, if you're in the situation where if all goes as well as you can hope, planets align, sixes rolled, and all you get is not as big a shellacking at the polls suggest, you're f**ked as a political force.
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